Friday, June 10, 2016


The library home page has been compromised by the same stupid malicious program to disable my javascript functions again. This is the fifth time I have had to report this constant breach of your computer's functionality from the same offender[s] since January. Police, do you know what that's like for me? It's like someone busting in my home and stabbing me and me reporting it and then two weeks later I get stabbed again and I report it and then a month later it happens again and I report it and then it happens again and I report it and then it happens again and I report it. So this bleeding victim is not unreasonable when he says that the internet does not serve artists. This internet is a threat to artists. This internet is nothing but a playground for criminals. And the only reason I am on the web is to put back my mountains of good work that have been spoiled by crime on the internet for the sake of history and out of my duty to God. I don't need JavaScript to share my poetry though. I'm just going to try to keep my entries in verse if I can in this next blog: Storyblog. I'll see if I can have the first part of my next story posted by early next week.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Yes, I know, I'm back. I didn't follow through. This was not a pragmatic decision, on my part, but a faith based one.

I thought that I might have recovered enough of my old work to leave this silly world behind. The amount of evil I must face by myself sometimes gets the best of me and makes me apathetic. Once I stop caring about this world, I'm very close to suicide.

I don't know how much of this mood disorder is internal, since it seems to be accompanied by strange goings on around me. The evil crew who stole so many of my poems and used them for witchcraft, for example, may have learned a few tricks about how to use my work to impose suicidal thoughts on me. They are a superstitious lot, since they have witnessed many inexplicable things by their proximity to certain artists whose work may be charged with supernatural power. This is the second time now that the appearance of an ambulance to take away a neighbor has been accompanied by a distinct lift in my mood, as though I had managed to outlast some assault by witchcraft perpetrated by someone living nearby and turned his evil onslaught against him. Perhaps it's no coincidence.

You all know that I was a staunch atheist to start out with. I rejected things from my field of view that were not supported by physical evidence, including Christ. But I have certainly changed my outlook since then, haven't I? Radically! I have changed my outlook based on an experience that I first deemed as a schizophrenic episode in 2007, but which convinced me of its authenticity when I experienced it a second time in 2010. Essentially, it was an encounter with entities who identified themselves as Christian ghosts.

This vivid episode provided me the evidence that my skeptical, analytical brain demanded, and like the doubting Thomas, I converted to a profound faith in the Lord. I returned to my childhood habits of nightly prayer and offering my suffering to aid spirits in distress. And, of course, I devoted my poetry to God.

While this was my initial reaction in 2007, which led to the construction of many of the poems I wrote that year, my faith didn't last. Someone pulled the rug out from under me somehow in 2007 to scramble the positive signals I was receiving that were keeping me motivated to undergo this 'holy' mission and turn them into messages of hate. I believe that it was Dateline NBC in November 2007, when they broadcast a show that viciously hung me with the image of a fraud. It drove me from the web and cleared the way for their network's shameful looting of my thousands of web posts in the years that followed.

It is because my work is so pure and so charged with good faith that it attracts evil people who like to practice spells and divination. When you turn a holy work upside down, it yields the most evil. They had quite an armada of my poems to work with since 2007, but I'm slowly recovering every single last one of them.

They conjure up evil and then try to protect themselves from the fallout with more evil. They are determined to avoid repenting at all costs when repenting is the only way out from evil. They have made my life very difficult in the last few years, having me so outnumbered and refusing to leave me in peace. But I will outlast them and survive to produce much, much more poetry. Poetry provides the ultimate vehicle to share my thoughts and feelings.

Do you ever wonder if great works of art and poetry and music win fans in the spirit world? If so, my spirit fans would be greatly offended by the treatment I have been receiving at the hands of these vicious, superstitious industry assholes. Did you ever wonder that a huge conflict may exist between the spirit world and the flesh world over the issue of my copyright ownership? If so, the spirits will ultimately win that battle. And if a noble spirit who has been charged by God to protect the innocent - as I suggest in my poem, the Watchers - ever visited one of these industry assholes, he or she would probably mistake it as a demon, rather than as an avenging angel. This is because such industry assholes lie to themselves so thoroughly that they believe they are innocent.

Well, I'm fully restored to my mission, but I'll leave that last post up to give you some idea of the abysmal depression I may be suffering at the hands of neighborhood necromancers who abuse my work. Don't take the put downs too personally. Maybe one day, we can assemble a crowd that does not celebrate the destruction of an innocent artist by the honoring of his work in the hands of evil frauds.

My ghost friends don't want me to commit suicide. I must have important work to do. All the same, this is a faith based decision.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Free to Kill Myself

Free to Kill Myself
I'm working on a new story at home and trying to get ahead on it so that I can share it a piece at a time like I did with the Obelisk. Last night, I heard that a silly movie was made out of my first post of this poem. I bet I caught it in 2007, complained, and then they went ahead with it after I broke down and erased my account.

If you write popular work and you don't want to rush out and get rich with it, it seems that you are punished. If you tell people you don't like 'people who want to be stars' because you find them too ambitious, you'll be lucky to survive it. Chasing power is the law of the land, not humility, as Jesus would have wanted.

And it sounds like some asshole is committing another copyright violation with something new. And he's got a woman supporting him, calling him a genius. It's looking more and more like the only way to stop this continuous fraud is for the depressed victim to commit suicide so that he can not share any new work to be stolen from him. Hey, it's the only real freedom I've got.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Obelisk Epilogue

Obelisk Epilogue
I'm pleased with the ending to my long poem this time, unlike 2007. When I first tried to write the Obelisk, I left a lot of gaps in the plot and made the ending too preachy. I also didn't like the association between the good Ophelia and the evil Moribund and found it impossible to resolve. But this time, I managed to tie it all together very nicely in the ending, even managing to explain some of the more far-fetched coincidences by 'act of gods'.

While Saturday Night Live wanted the world to focus on one line of a 512 line poem, the line about the frying pan in Part VII, in order to make my masterpiece look cheesy, in some ways, it's a very serious work. The tyrant's delusion, for instance, is highlighted by his absence from the gods in Part I and the tyrant's fear is, I think, very skillfully illustrated by what happens in Part VII. I enjoy philosophy and contemplating the correct use of power and it was most rewarding to be able to share my thoughts in such a colorful story. (By the way, unlike Blogger, my home text editor favors British spelling.)

My song, Currents, has the same epic feel as the Obelisk. I wrote the song while re-reading Virgil's Aeneid.

I'm still isolated, but I hope that one day I can finally get out there and meet people. I have never had many friends, but that's because I can have so much fun by myself with my work. It also lets me be more original and outstanding with my posts. I had to make a choice a long time ago between being a conformist and being an artist and I had to bow to my talent and choose the latter. And this internet is a great way for predators to pick on loners like me. As such, I think it is a grave threat to our most outstanding talent and to the integrity of our culture. I don't know how anyone can fully enjoy the radio or TV after it committed such a monstrous crime with my work. The networks seem to hope that people will stand by and let them abuse me. But I have more faith in people's goodness.

Anyway, I'd like to take a week off, if I can, and see if I can get a little ahead with my posts. I'll try to return with more good content for you.

Library patrons, now that I have declared my intention to stay offline for a week or so, please keep an eye on the library computers to make sure the home page has not been compromised by any malicious hackers. Don't let '' attack my web page again please.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

The Obelisk (Complete)

The Obelisk: Parts I to VII
Part VII was stolen by Saturday Night Live when I erased it to trim this down in late 2007. If anyone's still watching their dirty DVD's that rob my poetry, I hope it gives them horrible nightmares. If you're a loyal follower, I hope you enjoy this tale.

I: The Tyrant

To lofty shore the gods were brought
To judge the war the mortals fought
That started with a vulgar slight
Against a due religious rite
A statue had been madly hewn
To pieces small and widely strewn
And that the idol be appeased
A string of amber mines were seized

To cause a statue's face to cave
Was an offence considered grave
One dare not force indignity
Upon a blameless deity
And yet the voice of the maligned
Expected from within their kind
Did not in curses crime condemn
But in a hush, eluded them

With Love had War gone straight to bed
They noticed not a thing, they said
No trouble came to Wisdom's thought
And Justice heard no thump nor shot
Talent had produced a show
From Industry's own hammer blow
Among the injured, there were none
Throughout the total Pantheon

The tarnished figure would be odd
Or more than likely not a god
To Gaia turned their spanning eye
To catch the liar in the lie
And found a temple plus a trove
That first had served to honour Jove
Devoted to a faith unknown
In he who held the mortal throne

A closer look had changed their path
Away from cataclysmic wrath
For making hard to fools exalt
The mighty council found no fault
The wiser choice for favouring
Must be the kingdom neighbouring
Where truth and honour may remain
Beyond the madman's awful reign

Continued probing would reveal
The mishap was a front to steal
A fortune did the ruler owe
To pay his troops to battle go
His thirst for plunder left unchecked
Would leave the temples robbed and wrecked
The tyrant's name, which came of late
Was aptly Moribund the Great

Opposing, on the side of right
The Prefect of the Lands of Light
Considered what would be the cost
Of his top secret message lost
For progress had his people raced
And foes with lesser weapons chased
But unlike hordes they faced before
Their neighbours knew their arts of war

A shadow did the sibyls cast
With casualties that numbered vast
Should now the wrongful war be won
By this most evil Moribund
And so the gods put their resource
To help the prefect stay the course
His nemesis's fearsome rise
Would overrun him otherwise

II: The Lovers

The tyrant had a daughter fair
Inclined to pity and to care
Patrolling through the worst lines drawn
She served the hurt and woebegone
To uniform she paid no heed
But focused on her patient's need
And once Ophelia's top one
Was Mark, the prefect's eldest son

The men around her wouldn't dare
Disturb a single royal hair
She felt her youth reduced to waste
The blossom of her life debased
The fury of her father's law
Obstructed callers she could draw
But in the foreign eye she found
No fear of dark oath firmly bound

Her daddy's loyal concubine
Had thought it fair to reassign
To fierce disputed frontal row
Where one's survival's odds were low
Thus freely did the princess roam
Among the haters of her home
And pine for a romantic spell
With he who had against her fell

When Mark she found severely hit
Ophelia was by him smit
Discovering before the rest
In time to have him rightly dressed
She tore the shirt to wrap his arm
And make it look as come to harm
The doctor found him fit to save
And two weeks leave to mend he gave

Ophelia's disarming grin
Belied the peril Mark was in
But of his new lot, she advised
And of her own, she too apprised
By passion they were swept away
Where goddesses held strongest sway
And from their longing to be near
They plotted both to disappear

The times her father came to call
His grunts would echo through the hall
His shadow cast a form profane
With right hand clinging to a cane
Before his glare the righteous froze
A constant threat to spy expose
And soon as Mark was on his feet
He'd make his getaway complete

The morning of the big parade
The nurse with patients visits made
And customary for her rounds
Wheeled wounded soldiers through the grounds
Her favourite she'd had the sense
To park the closest to the fence
And on the cymbal's loudest clash
The two began a wild dash

Though from the law they plainly fled
Of followers they drew ahead
And to the hills were safe to go
As marching caused a traffic slow
Amid thick trees they huddled wet
And waited for the sun to set
Then braved a mountain's rugged trail
Enduring to proclaim their tale

III: The Obelisk

The clung to object Mark mistook
As just a cane was more a hook
A wizard's work, it put command
Completely in its holder's hand
As pieces on a playing board
Would forces move in full accord
From caravan to tallest ship
They'd feel the pressing icy grip

The tidings of the couple's flight
Arrived to Moribund at night
His busy arm began to shake
And all around they felt the quake
In order to avenge the breach
He needed to extend his reach
Out went his armies as a wave
Against the few but fiercely brave

His whole attention he would turn
Against his daughter's bitter spurn
His grenadiers were sent to free
The places she was said to be
But always were the lucky pair
At final moment, made aware
And able to adjust their trip
So their pursuer got the slip

His juggernaut carved out a road
As far as it could drag its load
In regions deep and yet to tame
The raiders pushed to triumph claim
While straight behind them sternly stood
To guard the valley of the good
Their master's rod's antagonist
The bold and mystic obelisk

Though pan-dimensional in span
The obelisk was made by man
Projected from its metal mast
A potent and decisive blast
Its rotors spun the day and hour
To furnish it with glowing power
A clever and imposing spike
Its sting could any target strike

Ophelia and Mark were sure
To into ambush, armies lure
Where lacked the room to turn around
The prefect's troops would foe surround
The father thought it ill advised
To have Mark further jeopardized
But now the smooth and cunning ploy
Would Moribund the Great destroy

Into the ring, the wayward crossed
Too far from home and clearly lost
When from behind, the challenge roared
And out of hiding, free men poured
Descending on the hapless swarm
As though the most ferocious storm
To demonstrate what freedom's worth
And raze the quarry to the earth

The strongest blow that made the day
Originated faraway
By bearings added to the list
Of targets for the obelisk
A gaping crater, singed and stained
Were all that of the bad remained
But once the postures stood to slack
The ground shook and the sky went black

IV: The Beast

When Moribund had failure seen
His host eradicated clean
A tremor from his angry swing
To cavern burst an opening
Exposing ray of sun from sky
Inducing prisoner to fly
And back into the air released
A thing known chiefly as the beast

Designed to wreak a grievous toll
And threaten populations whole
Impervious to weapon's fire
Functions eons to expire
Its maker must have lost control
And had to trap it in a hole
For lack of means to penetrate
The substance of its armoured plate

Mistaken for a second drive
To keep the tyrant's name alive
The apparition stronger grew
As experts pondered what to do
It spiralled high with cruel intent
And to a panic, people sent
The predator whose engineer
Conditioned it to prey on fear

The borders of its deadly shroud
Would rival the most stately cloud
And wide the chaos that it made
When on a fleeing throng it preyed
From outstretched wings, destruction rained
As on the beast, the sights were trained
And marksmen stated with a frown
That none of them could bring it down

The beast retired every dawn
Where seldom men had tread upon
And overcome with lethargy
Retired from its killing spree
Deferring to tranquility
The previous hostility
No longer fit inside a scene
Of meadows green and ponds pristine

As soon as pointed to the spot
The wonder weapon took a shot
And in the fallout, target bathed
But came out, more or less, unscathed
A sneak attack so cowardly
Affected its mood sourly
And up it went to culprit track
The treachery to answer back

The battered troops received a break
And set up camp along the lake
The cursed thing was elsewhere turned
A distant playground might be burned
By carrier they sent a note
To warn the settlers remote
To keep their doors and windows closed
And their dependents unexposed

To save the world, the gods agreed
That they would try to intercede
And bring about a fair outcome
Or better end, at least, than some
Once advocates rose to negate
The voice of the prevailing fate
They sought the fiend who'd trouble made
To see him tremble in the shade

V: The Island

Galapago, the island state
Too far removed to heed the date
Had up to now, from senseless ruin
Remained essentially immune
A self-contained society
Allowed to flourish privately
Its whereabouts were well apart
From any port on any chart

Her people, healthy and astute
Were much inclined to fine pursuit
In harmony with wind and tide
For humankind's advance they tried
Their living standard was above
What most outsiders daydreamed of
And long had they enjoyed their run
Of trophies glinting in the sun

With noble findings to impart
In aid of science and of art
Their able minds were in demand
Beyond the borders of their land
As such did they success attain
As scholars fit to math explain
And from their contemplations deep
Proceeded the strategic leap

But restless want to take up arms
Was blotted out by island charms
And spacious sea that lay between
Provided an assuring screen
A bastion of culture high
Amid the regions gone awry
Galapago's location stayed
Unthinkable to chance invade

The obelisk could alter space
To hide its track without a trace
When last its mark was seen at large
It issued out a full discharge
With each and every awesome blast
Coordinates afield were passed
Whence to assign the outward bound
As elsewhere born to fight the round

A bug alighted on a board
Too critical to be ignored
The operator with a swat
Reversed the course the shot would plot
So that its impact would be felt
As starting from the island belt
The path of doom was thereby bent
Against the island innocent

Among the crowd that watched the meet
Where acrobats in turns compete
As panelists debated who
The gold should be awarded to
A child pointed to an owl
That grew into an all-out scowl
Until beholders froze with dread
At what hung grimly overhead

The stoic judge implored aloud
For calm behaviour from the crowd
Though plainly challenged by a threat
The outcome was not certain yet
His vision of a bold way out
Was by his colleagues not in doubt
For this retired scientist
Invented first the obelisk

VI: The Genius

The secret of the tavern's spell
Besides the drinks it has to sell
Is that it held the latest work
Of the esteemed Professor Quirk
Concealed behind an attic door
A portal to dimensions more
Of waves leaked out a plethora
That generate euphoria

It hummed along with links to planes
Superior to most domains
And from disaster could prevent
Up to the oddest accident
Of time and space, it was a helm
To let one reach across a realm
And to address the current test
Professor Quirk would need his best

He ran the distance like a fool
And cut across the private school
The frightened little children's cries
Were far too awful to surmise
As in the sky, the beast would stalk
He made it to the tavern block
And through the entrance, up the stair
He reached his goal with time to spare

He pulled a switch that gave a burst
And pondered what he might do first
Perhaps the hate that hung above
Would be averse to beams of love
He cast out signals as a pulse
Attempting to the thing repulse
But for the effort, all he'd get
Was seeing it grow more upset

To impulse, time had come to bow
He'd tried the only safe way how
To lay the gloating culprit low
And save the scattered mass below
The portal might have had a lack
Of good components for attack
But perfect did its purpose meet
The person seeking to retreat

His hand upon the main console
The turbines creaked into a roll
A chain reaction's slender chance
Would be dismissed by circumstance
The dial turned and stopped the clock
And all were idle as a rock
The monster knew not its despair
Suspended in the hidden snare

With time on hold, the genius moved
To have the threat at once removed
By teleporting everything
But that which tyrannized by wing
The portal needed all its strength
To stretch across the island's length
Then with a push, the sky was clear
And silence ended in a cheer

Calamity had come to pass
By morning's dew upon the grass
The beast was gone but left alive
To in the barren ocean dive
The ripple caused by their withdrawal
Was thought to only make it fall
But more profound was the effect
And wider did it redirect

VII: The Labyrinth

A dead end for the ragged strays
Was Moribund's infernal maze
So far inside the planet's crust
One felt her molten core combust
He used it as a secret hold
To let him private plans unfold
And keep offenders there interred
Where their objections can't be heard

The dungeons were a bumpy slab
From where the wizard had his lab
And if the captives dared dissent
They went in his experiment
Although a model to behave
Ophelia's most trusted slave
Into the chair, they roughly put
And manacled by hand and foot

The girl was young and stricken white
And had the good sense not to fight
As Moribund would prod and pry
Convinced she was his daughter's spy
His wizard had devised a trick
To boost the power of his stick
With concentrated pleading wails
Of those who suffered in his jails

His darling, dear Andromeda
Observed the quaint phenomena
Of lightning's flash in cavern deep
And wanted to go back to sleep
Approaching him with impish guile
She thought that it might bring a smile
To slip in his bare-fisted hand
The handle of a frying pan

Without his wand, by panic struck
The tyrant had run out of luck
He felt completely fallible
His phobia unparalleled
The fear went up and stirred the beast
Who'd been propelled a long way east
Descending like a fireball
It cut straight through the outer wall

The beast smelled panic so intense
It drilled through layers cold and dense
But in its haste for blood and gore
It missed the cave and hit the core
The lava soon began to spout
In Moribund's forlorn redoubt
The deluge was too great to fend
And swept the tyrant to his end

His sceptre's loss left aim unclear
For armies on his long frontier
As fierce resistance made things worse
They quickly opted to disperse
The plummet to the planet's depth
Bestowed on beast a choking death
Consuming flames would reassure
That children were again secure

To free her servant from distress
Ophelia refused to rest
And had until the sudden crash
Been poised to help the captives dash
She'd penetrated on her own
Her father's labyrinth of stone
But her good hopes became unreal
As boulders fell to exits seal

VIII: The Ending

Emerged a hot and bubbling brew
From where the beast had dove to hew
Upon the surface it defied
When to its prize, it tried to glide
Ophelia and captives loose
A flimsy recess put to use
Escaping temporarily
Their imminent expiry

The geyser to her beau displayed
Precisely where to plant the spade
She'd snuck away to do her deed
Refusing to his caution heed
He set forth in a fevered pitch
And barely made a shallow ditch
Before his arms dropped to his side
And on a false hope, he relied

But chance was said to still exist
By their stupendous obelisk
Whose light could clear a path through layers
And pull the victims out in pairs
As prefect's son, Mark pulled his rank
To wheel it in from round their flank
And to a steep and downward line
Its sights were set to realign

To see his love, the chance was slim
Against the evening's murky dim
And such a shot called for finesse
With little room to make a guess
So Mark turned on the special light
To beam an expert to the site
With scroll in hand to be archived
A piqued Professor Quirk arrived

Once of the crisis made aware
With eagerness, Quirk brought to bear
The added capability
Achieved by his mobility
He took the seat and lit the screen
To count survivors seventeen
Who'd found a pocket in the fray
On which to bend their knees and pray

He typed the enigmatic code
To switch the gun to passive mode
Then sent down a suppressing ray
To hold the lava flow at bay
Through microphone, he calmly told
The captives to, in pairs, hands hold
Their voices let him know they knew
To wait until the ray turned blue

As soon as, on the grass, replaced
Ophelia, with Mark, embraced
Professor Quirk on shoulders rode
To honour him for what they owed
Though saddened with her father dead
Ophelia was keen to wed
And gone for good were all her woes
When, then and there, did Mark propose

The scientist who'd peace restored
Was made into a full-fledged lord
Whose feats were hailed in verses true
Though gods received the credit, too
Considering the gods had vowed
To terminate the tyrant proud
The happenstance was best explained
By process of the preordained
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2007, 2016. Verses and Images by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Obelisk: Parts I to VII

The Obelisk: Parts I to VII
Only a poorly led and deeply flawed society would want to honour a pack of poetry stealing pricks like Saturday Night Live. Enjoy what's left of this story after they got to it. I may be late with the ending since there is a lot to wrap up.

I: The Tyrant

To lofty shore the gods were brought
To judge the war the mortals fought
That started with a vulgar slight
Against a due religious rite
A statue had been madly hewn
To pieces small and widely strewn
And that the idol be appeased
A string of amber mines were seized

To cause a statue's face to cave
Was an offence considered grave
One dare not force indignity
Upon a blameless deity
And yet the voice of the maligned
Expected from within their kind
Did not in curses crime condemn
But in a hush, eluded them

With Love had War gone straight to bed
They noticed not a thing, they said
No trouble came to Wisdom's thought
And Justice heard no thump nor shot
Talent had produced a show
From Industry's own hammer blow
Among the injured, there were none
Throughout the total Pantheon

The tarnished figure would be odd
Or more than likely not a god
To Gaia turned their spanning eye
To catch the liar in the lie
And found a temple plus a trove
That first had served to honour Jove
Devoted to a faith unknown
In he who held the mortal throne

A closer look had changed their path
Away from cataclysmic wrath
For making hard to fools exalt
The mighty council found no fault
The wiser choice for favouring
Must be the kingdom neighbouring
Where truth and honour may remain
Beyond the madman's awful reign

Continued probing would reveal
The mishap was a front to steal
A fortune did the ruler owe
To pay his troops to battle go
His thirst for plunder left unchecked
Would leave the temples robbed and wrecked
The tyrant's name, which came of late
Was aptly Moribund the Great

Opposing, on the side of right
The Prefect of the Lands of Light
Considered what would be the cost
Of his top secret message lost
For progress had his people raced
And foes with lesser weapons chased
But unlike hordes they faced before
Their neighbours knew their arts of war

A shadow did the sibyls cast
With casualties that numbered vast
Should now the wrongful war be won
By this most evil Moribund
And so the gods put their resource
To help the prefect stay the course
His nemesis's fearsome rise
Would overrun him otherwise

II: The Lovers

The tyrant had a daughter fair
Inclined to pity and to care
Patrolling through the worst lines drawn
She served the hurt and woebegone
To uniform she paid no heed
But focused on her patient's need
And once Ophelia's top one
Was Mark, the prefect's eldest son

The men around her wouldn't dare
Disturb a single royal hair
She felt her youth reduced to waste
The blossom of her life debased
The fury of her father's law
Obstructed callers she could draw
But in the foreign eye she found
No fear of dark oath firmly bound

Her daddy's loyal concubine
Had thought it fair to reassign
To fierce disputed frontal row
Where one's survival's odds were low
Thus freely did the princess roam
Among the haters of her home
And pine for a romantic spell
With he who had against her fell

When Mark she found severely hit
Ophelia was by him smit
Discovering before the rest
In time to have him rightly dressed
She tore the shirt that wrapped his arm
To make it look as come to harm
The doctor found him fit to save
And two weeks leave to mend he gave

Ophelia's disarming grin
Belied the peril Mark was in
But of his new lot she advised
And of her own she too apprised
By passion they were swept away
Where goddesses held strongest sway
And from their longing to be near
They plotted both to disappear

The times her father came to call
His grunts would echo through the hall
His shadow cast a form profane
With right hand clinging to a cane
Before his glare the righteous froze
A constant threat to spy expose
And soon as Mark was on his feet
He'd make his getaway complete

The morning of the big parade
The nurse with patients visits made
And customary for her rounds
Wheeled wounded soldiers through the grounds
Her favourite she'd had the sense
To park the closest to the fence
And on the cymbal's loudest clash
The two began a wild dash

Though from the law they plainly fled
Of followers they drew ahead
And to the hills were safe to go
As marching caused a traffic slow
Amid thick trees they huddled wet
And waited for the sun to set
Then braved a mountain's rugged trail
Enduring to proclaim their tale

III: The Obelisk

The clung to object Mark mistook
As just a cane was more a hook
A wizard's work, it put command
Completely in its holder's hand
As pieces on a playing board
Would forces move in full accord
From caravan to tallest ship
They'd feel the pressing icy grip

The tidings of the couple's flight
Arrived to Moribund at night
His busy arm began to shake
And all around they felt the quake
In order to avenge the breach
He needed to extend his reach
Out went his armies as a wave
Against the few but fiercely brave

His whole attention he would turn
Against his daughter's bitter spurn
His grenadiers were sent to free
The places she was said to be
But always were the lucky pair
At final moment, made aware
And able to adjust their trip
So their pursuer got the slip

His juggernaut carved out a road
As far as it could drag its load
In regions deep and yet to tame
The raiders pushed to triumph claim
While straight behind them sternly stood
To guard the valley of the good
Their master's rod's antagonist
The bold and mystic obelisk

Though pan-dimensional in span
The obelisk was made by man
Projected from its metal mast
A potent and decisive blast
Its rotors spun the day and hour
To furnish it with glowing power
A clever and imposing spike
Its sting could any target strike

Ophelia and Mark were sure
To into ambush, armies lure
Where lacked the room to turn around
The prefect's troops would foe surround
The father thought it ill advised
To have Mark further jeopardized
But now the smooth and cunning ploy
Would Moribund the Great destroy

Into the ring, the wayward crossed
Too far from home and clearly lost
When from behind, the challenge roared
And out of hiding, free men poured
Descending on the hapless swarm
As though the most ferocious storm
To demonstrate what freedom's worth
And raze the quarry to the earth

The strongest blow that made the day
Originated faraway
By bearings added to the list
Of targets for the obelisk
A gaping crater, singed and stained
Were all that of the bad remained
But once their postures stood to slack
The ground shook and the sky went black

IV: The Beast

When Moribund had failure seen
His host eradicated clean
A tremor from his angry swing
To cavern burst an opening
Exposing ray of sun from sky
Inducing prisoner to fly
And back into the air released
A thing known only as the beast

Designed to wreak a grievous toll
And threaten populations whole
Impervious to weapon's fire
Functions eons to expire
Its maker must have lost control
And had to trap it in a hole
For lack of means to penetrate
The substance of its armoured plate

Mistaken for a second drive
To keep the tyrant's name alive
The apparition stronger grew
As experts pondered what to do
It spiraled high with cruel intent
And to a panic people sent
The predator whose engineer
Conditioned it to prey on fear

The borders of its deadly shroud
Would rival the most stately cloud
And wide the chaos that it made
When on a fleeing throng it preyed
From outstretched wings, destruction rained
As on the beast the sights were trained
And marksmen stated with a frown
That none of them could bring it down

The beast retired every dawn
Where seldom men had tread upon
And overcome with lethargy
Retired from its killing spree
Deferring to tranquility
The previous hostility
No longer fit inside a scene
Of meadows green and ponds pristine

As soon as pointed to the spot
The wonder weapon took a shot
And in the fallout, target bathed
But came out more or less unscathed
A sneak attack so cowardly
Affected its mood sourly
And up it went to culprit track
The treachery to answer back

The battered troops received a break
And set up camp along the lake
The cursed thing was elsewhere turned
A distant playground might be burned
By carrier they sent a note
To warn the settlers remote
To keep their doors and windows closed
And their dependents unexposed

To save the world, the gods agreed
That they would try to intercede
And bring about a fair outcome
Or better end, at least, than some
Once advocates rose to negate
The voice of the prevailing fate
They sought the fiend who'd trouble made
To see him tremble in the shade

V: The Island

Galapago, the island state
Too far removed to heed the date
Had up to now, from senseless ruin
Remained essentially immune
A self-contained society
Allowed to flourish privately
Its whereabouts were well apart
From any port on any chart

Her people, healthy and astute
Were much inclined to fine pursuit
In harmony with wind and tide
For humankind's advance they tried
Their living standard was above
What most outsiders daydreamed of
And long had they enjoyed their run
Of trophies glinting in the sun

With noble findings to impart
In aid of science and of art
Their able minds were in demand
Beyond the borders of their land
As such did they success attain
As scholars fit to math explain
And from their contemplations deep
Proceeded the strategic leap

But restless want to take up arms
Was blotted out by island charms
And spacious sea that lay between
Provided an assuring screen
A bastion of culture high
Amid the regions gone awry
Galapago's location stayed
Unthinkable to chance invade

The obelisk could alter space
To hide its track without a trace
When last its mark was seen at large
It issued out a full discharge
With each and every awesome blast
Coordinates afield were passed
Whence to assign the outward bound
As elsewhere born to fight the round

A bug alighted on a board
Too critical to be ignored
The operator with a swat
Reversed the course the shot would plot
So that its impact would be felt
As starting from the island belt
The path of doom was thereby bent
Against the island innocent

Among the crowd that watched the meet
Where acrobats in turns compete
As panelists debated who
The gold should be awarded to
A child pointed to an owl
That grew into an all-out scowl
Until beholders froze with dread
At what hung grimly overhead

The stoic judge implored aloud
For calm behaviour from the crowd
Though plainly challenged by a threat
The outcome was not certain yet
His vision of a bold way out
Was by his colleagues not in doubt
For this retired scientist
Invented first the obelisk

VI: The Genius

The secret of the tavern's spell
Besides the drinks it has to sell
Is that it held the latest work
Of the esteemed Professor Quirk
Concealed behind an attic door
A portal to dimensions more
Of waves leaked out a plethora
That generate euphoria

It hummed along with links to planes
Superior to most domains
And from disaster could prevent
Up to the oddest accident
Of time and space, it was a helm
To let one reach across a realm
And to address the current test
Professor Quirk would need his best

He ran the distance like a fool
And cut across the private school
The frightened little children's cries
Were far too awful to surmise
As in the sky, the beast would stalk
He made it to the tavern block
And through the entrance, up the stair
He reached his goal with time to spare

He pulled a switch that gave a burst
And pondered what he might do first
Perhaps the hate that hung above
Would be averse to beams of love
He cast out signals as a pulse
Attempting to the thing repulse
But for the effort, all he'd get
Was seeing it grow more upset

To impulse, time had come to bow
He'd tried the only safe way how
To lay the gloating culprit low
And save the scattered mass below
The portal might have had a lack
Of good components for attack
But perfect did its purpose meet
The person seeking to retreat

His hand upon the main console
The turbines creaked into a roll
A chain reaction's slender chance
Would be dismissed by circumstance
The dial turned and stopped the clock
And all were idle as a rock
The monster knew not its despair
Imprisoned by the hidden snare

With time on hold, the genius moved
To have the threat at once removed
By teleporting everything
But that which tyrannized by wing
The portal needed all its strength
To stretch across the island's length
Then with a push, the sky was clear
And silence ended in a cheer

Calamity had come to pass
By morning's dew upon the grass
The beast was gone but left alive
To in the barren ocean dive
The ripple caused by their withdrawal
Was thought to only make it fall
But more profound was the effect
And wider did it redirect

VII: The Labyrinth

A dead end for the ragged strays
Was Moribund's infernal maze
So far inside the planet's crust
One felt her molten core combust
He used it as a secret hold
To let him private plans unfold
And keep offenders there interred
Where their objections can't be heard

The dungeons were a bumpy slab
From where the wizard had his lab
And if the captives dared dissent
They went in his experiment
Although a model to behave
Ophelia's most trusted slave
Into the chair, they quickly put
And manacled by hand and foot

The girl was young and stricken white
And had the good sense not to fight
As Moribund would prod and pry
Convinced she was his daughter's spy
His wizard had devised a trick
To boost the power of his stick
With concentrated pleading wails
Of those who suffered in his jails

His darling dear Andromeda
Observed the quaint phenomena
Of lightning's flash in cavern deep
And wanted to go back to sleep
Approaching him with impish guile
She thought that it might bring a smile
To slip in his bare-fisted hand
The handle of a frying pan

Without his wand, by panic struck
The tyrant had run out of luck
He felt completely fallible
His phobia unparalleled
His fear went up and stirred the beast
Who'd been propelled a long way east
Descending like a fireball
It cut straight through the outer wall

The beast smelled panic so intense
It drilled through layers cold and dense
But in its haste for blood and gore
It missed the cave and hit the core
The lava soon began to spout
In Moribund's forlorn redoubt
The deluge was too great to fend
And swept the tyrant to his end

His sceptre's loss left aim unclear
For armies on his long frontier
As fierce resistance made things worse
They quickly opted to disperse
The plummet to the planet's depth
Bestowed on beast a choking death
Consuming flames would reassure
That children were again secure

To free her servant from distress
Ophelia refused to rest
And had until the sudden crash
Been poised to help the captives dash
She'd penetrated on her own
Her father's labyrinth of stone
But her good hopes became unreal
As boulders fell to doorways seal

(to be continued)
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Obelisk: Parts I to VI

The Obelisk: Parts I to VI
I first shared this poem over eight days in 2007. It grew to eight parts, but the story ran away on me and I had to go back and trim it down to just five parts. This time, however, I'm pleased with how it's turning out and I plan to finish it by Sunday. Please silence anyone who accuses me of stealing this extremely personal work.(Technical note: I had a problem posting this from the first computer I tried this morning. I sometimes wonder if they're frantically steering traffic away from my account because their fraud makes them look so bad here. No one steered traffic away from Nickleback when they stole Fool's Paradise from me, though. What a tool for crime the internet has turned out to be - and all perpetrated against the same victim by a large clique of cowards.)

I: The Tyrant

To lofty shore the gods were brought
To judge the war the mortals fought
That started with a vulgar slight
Against a due religious rite
A statue had been madly hewn
To pieces small and widely strewn
And that the idol be appeased
A string of amber mines were seized

To cause a statue's face to cave
Was an offence considered grave
One dare not force indignity
Upon a blameless deity
And yet the voice of the maligned
Expected from within their kind
Did not in curses crime condemn
But in a hush eluded them

With Love had War gone straight to bed
They noticed not a thing, they said
No trouble came to Wisdom's thought
And Justice heard no thump nor shot
Talent had produced a show
From Vulcan's steady hammer blow
Among the injured there were none
Throughout the total Pantheon

The tarnished figure would be odd
Or more than likely not a god
To Gaia turned their spanning eye
To catch the liar in the lie
And found a temple plus a trove
That first had served to honour Jove
Devoted to a faith unknown
In he who claimed the mortal throne

A closer look had changed their path
Away from cataclysmic wrath
For making hard to fools exalt
The mighty council found no fault
The wiser choice for favouring
Must be the kingdom neighbouring
Where truth and honour may remain
Beyond the madman's awful reign

Continued probing would reveal
The mishap was a front to steal
A fortune did the ruler owe
To pay his troops to battle go
His thirst for plunder left unchecked
Would leave the temples robbed and wrecked
The tyrant's name, which came of late
Was aptly Moribund the Great

Opposing, on the side of right
The Prefect of the Lands of Light
Considered what would be the cost
Of his top secret message lost
For progress had his people raced
And foes with lesser weapons chased
But unlike hordes they faced before
Their neighbours knew their arts of war

A shadow did the sibyls cast
With casualties that numbered vast
Should now the wrongful war be won
By this most evil Moribund
And so the gods put their resource
To help the prefect stay the course
His nemesis's fearsome rise
Would overrun him otherwise

II: The Lovers

The tyrant had a daughter fair
Inclined to pity and to care
Patrolling through the worst lines drawn
She served the hurt and woebegone
To uniform she paid no heed
But focused on her patient's need
And once Ophelia's top one
Was Mark, the prefect's eldest son

The men around her wouldn't dare
Disturb a single royal hair
She felt her youth reduced to waste
The blossom of her life debased
The fury of her father's law
Obstructed callers she could draw
But in the foreign eye she found
No fear of dark oath firmly bound

Her daddy's loyal concubine
Had thought it fair to reassign
To fierce disputed frontal row
Where one's survival's odds were low
Thus freely did the princess roam
Among the haters of her home
And pine for a romantic spell
With he who had against her fell

When Mark she found severely hit
Ophelia was by him smit
Discovering before the rest
In time to have him rightly dressed
She tore the shirt that wrapped his arm
To make it look as come to harm
The doctor found him fit to save
And two weeks leave to mend he gave

Ophelia's disarming grin
Belied the peril Mark was in
But of his new lot she advised
And of her own she too apprised
By passion they were swept away
Where goddesses held strongest sway
And from their longing to be near
They plotted both to disappear

The times her father came to call
His grunts would echo through the hall
His shadow cast a form profane
With right hand clinging to a cane
Before his glare the righteous froze
A constant threat to spy expose
And soon as Mark was on his feet
He'd make his getaway complete

The morning of the big parade
The nurse with patients visits made
And customary for her rounds
Wheeled wounded soldiers through the grounds
Her favourite she'd had the sense
To park the closest to the fence
And on the cymbal's loudest clash
The two began a wild dash

Though from the law they plainly fled
Of followers they drew ahead
And to the hills were safe to go
As marching caused a traffic slow
Amid thick trees they huddled wet
And waited for the sun to set
Then braved a mountain's rugged trail
Enduring to proclaim their tale

III: The Obelisk

The clung to object Mark mistook
As just a cane was more a hook
A wizard's work, it put command
Completely in its holder's hand
As pieces on a playing board
Would forces move in full accord
From caravan to tallest ship
They'd feel the pressing icy grip

The tidings of the couple's flight
Arrived to Moribund at night
His busy arm began to shake
And all around they felt the quake
In order to avenge the breach
He needed to extend his reach
Out went his armies as a wave
Against the few but fiercely brave

His whole attention he would turn
Against his daughter's bitter spurn
His grenadiers were sent to free
The places she was said to be
But always were the lucky pair
At final moment made aware
And able to adjust their trip
So their pursuer got the slip

His juggernaut carved out a road
As far as it could drag its load
In regions deep and yet to tame
The raiders pushed to triumph claim
While straight behind them sternly stood
To guard the valley of the good
Their master's rod's antagonist
The bold and mystic obelisk

Though pan-dimensional in span
The obelisk was made by man
Projected from its metal mast
A potent and decisive blast
Its rotors spun the day and hour
To furnish it with glowing power
A clever and imposing spike
Its sting could any target strike

Ophelia and Mark were sure
To into ambush, armies lure
Where lacked the room to turn around
The prefect's troops would foe surround
The father thought it ill advised
To have Mark further jeopardized
But now the smooth and cunning ploy
Would Moribund the Great destroy

Into the ring, the wayward crossed
Too far from home and clearly lost
When from behind, the challenge roared
And out of hiding, free men poured
Descending on the hapless swarm
As though the most ferocious storm
To demonstrate what freedom's worth
And raze the quarry to the earth

The strongest blow that made the day
Originated faraway
By bearings added to the list
Of targets for the obelisk
A gaping crater, singed and stained
Were all that of the bad remained
But once their postures stood to slack
The ground shook and the sky went black

IV: The Beast

When Moribund had failure seen
His host eradicated clean
A tremor from his angry swing
To cavern burst an opening
Exposing ray of sun from sky
Inducing prisoner to fly
And back into the air released
A thing known only as the beast

Designed to wreak a grievous toll
And threaten populations whole
Impervious to any fire
Functions eons to expire
Its maker must have lost control
And had to trap it in a hole
For lack of means to penetrate
The substance of its armoured plate

Mistaken for a second drive
To keep the tyrant's name alive
The apparition stronger grew
As experts pondered what to do
It spiralled high with cruel intent
And to a panic people sent
The predator whose engineer
Conditioned it to prey on fear

The borders of its deadly shroud
Would rival the most stately cloud
And wide the chaos that it made
When on a fleeing throng it preyed
From outstretched wings, destruction rained
As on the beast the sights were trained
And marksmen stated with a frown
That none of them could bring it down

The beast retired every dawn
Where seldom men had tread upon
And overcome with lethargy
Retired from its killing spree
Deferring to tranquility
The previous hostility
No longer fit inside a scene
Of meadows green and ponds pristine

As soon as pointed to the spot
The wonder weapon took a shot
And in the fallout, target bathed
But came out more or less unscathed
A sneak attack so cowardly
Affected its mood sourly
And up it went to culprit track
The treachery to answer back

The battered troops received a break
And set up camp along the lake
The cursed thing was elsewhere turned
A distant playground might be burned
By carrier they sent a note
To warn the settlers remote
To keep their doors and windows closed
And their dependents unexposed

To save the world, the gods agreed
That they would try to intercede
And bring about a fair outcome
Or better end, at least, than some
Once advocates rose to negate
The voice of the prevailing fate
They sought the fiend who'd trouble made
To see him tremble in the shade

V: The Island

Galapago, the island state
Too far removed to heed the date
Had up to now, from senseless ruin
Remained essentially immune
A self-contained society
Allowed to flourish privately
Its whereabouts were well apart
From any port on any chart

Her people, healthy and astute
Were much inclined to fine pursuit
In harmony with wind and tide
For humankind's advance they tried
Their living standard was above
What most outsiders daydreamed of
And long had they enjoyed their run
Of trophies glinting in the sun

With noble findings to impart
In aid of science and of art
Their able minds were in demand
Beyond the borders of their land
As such did they success attain
As scholars fit to math explain
And from their contemplations deep
Proceeded the strategic leap

But restless want to take up arms
Was blotted out by island charms
And spacious sea that lay between
Provided an assuring screen
A bastion of culture high
Amid the regions gone awry
Galapago's location stayed
Unthinkable to chance invade

The obelisk could alter space
To hide its track without a trace
When last its mark was seen at large
It issued out a full discharge
With each and every awesome blast
Coordinates afield were passed
Whence to assign the outward bound
As elsewhere born to fight the round

A bug alighted on a board
Too critical to be ignored
The operator with a swat
Reversed the course the shot would plot
So that its impact would be felt
As starting from the island belt
The path of doom was thereby bent
Against the island innocent

Amid the crowd that watched the meet
Where acrobats in turns compete
As panelists debated who
The gold should be awarded to
A child pointed to an owl
That grew into an all-out scowl
Until beholders froze with dread
At what hung grimly overhead

The stoic judge implored aloud
For calm behaviour from the crowd
Though plainly challenged by a threat
The outcome was not certain yet
His vision of a bold way out
Was by his colleagues not in doubt
For this retired scientist
Invented first the obelisk

VI: The Genius

The secret of the tavern's spell
Besides the drinks it has to sell
Is that it held the latest work
Of the esteemed Professor Quirk
Concealed behind an attic door
A portal to dimensions more
Of waves leaked out a plethora
That generate euphoria

It hummed along with links to planes
Superior to most domains
And from disaster could prevent
Up to the oddest accident
Of time and space, it was a helm
To let one reach across a realm
And to address the current test
Professor Quirk would need his best

He ran the distance like a fool
And cut across the private school
The frightened little children's cries
Were far too awful to surmise
As in the sky, the beast would stalk
He made it to the tavern block
And through the entrance, up the stair
He reached his goal with time to spare

He pulled a switch that gave a burst
And pondered what he might do first
Perhaps the hate that hung above
Would be averse to beams of love
He cast out signals as a pulse
Attempting to the thing repulse
But for the effort, all he'd get
Was seeing it grow more upset

To impulse, time had come to bow
He'd tried the only safe way how
To lay the gloating culprit low
And save the scattered mass below
The portal might have had a lack
Of good components for attack
But perfect did its purpose meet
The person seeking to retreat

The master console drew his hand
The moment was his to command
A chain reaction's slender chance
Would be dismissed by circumstance
The dial turned and stopped the clock
And all were idle as a rock
The monster knew not its despair
Imprisoned by the hidden snare

With time on hold, the genius moved
To have the threat at once removed
By teleporting everything
But that which tyrannized by wing
The portal needed all its strength
To stretch across the island's length
Then with a push, the sky was clear
And silence ended in a cheer

Calamity had come to pass
By morning's dew upon the grass
The beast was gone but left alive
To in the barren ocean dive
The ripple caused by their withdrawal
Was thought to only make it fall
But more profound was the effect
And wider did it redirect

(to be continued)
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.