Thursday, June 9, 2016


Yes, I know, I'm back. I didn't follow through. This was not a pragmatic decision, on my part, but a faith based one.

I thought that I might have recovered enough of my old work to leave this silly world behind. The amount of evil I must face by myself sometimes gets the best of me and makes me apathetic. Once I stop caring about this world, I'm very close to suicide.

I don't know how much of this mood disorder is internal, since it seems to be accompanied by strange goings on around me. The evil crew who stole so many of my poems and used them for witchcraft, for example, may have learned a few tricks about how to use my work to impose suicidal thoughts on me. They are a superstitious lot, since they have witnessed many inexplicable things by their proximity to certain artists whose work may be charged with supernatural power. This is the second time now that the appearance of an ambulance to take away a neighbor has been accompanied by a distinct lift in my mood, as though I had managed to outlast some assault by witchcraft perpetrated by someone living nearby and turned his evil onslaught against him. Perhaps it's no coincidence.

You all know that I was a staunch atheist to start out with. I rejected things from my field of view that were not supported by physical evidence, including Christ. But I have certainly changed my outlook since then, haven't I? Radically! I have changed my outlook based on an experience that I first deemed as a schizophrenic episode in 2007, but which convinced me of its authenticity when I experienced it a second time in 2010. Essentially, it was an encounter with entities who identified themselves as Christian ghosts.

This vivid episode provided me the evidence that my skeptical, analytical brain demanded, and like the doubting Thomas, I converted to a profound faith in the Lord. I returned to my childhood habits of nightly prayer and offering my suffering to aid spirits in distress. And, of course, I devoted my poetry to God.

While this was my initial reaction in 2007, which led to the construction of many of the poems I wrote that year, my faith didn't last. Someone pulled the rug out from under me somehow in 2007 to scramble the positive signals I was receiving that were keeping me motivated to undergo this 'holy' mission and turn them into messages of hate. I believe that it was Dateline NBC in November 2007, when they broadcast a show that viciously hung me with the image of a fraud. It drove me from the web and cleared the way for their network's shameful looting of my thousands of web posts in the years that followed.

It is because my work is so pure and so charged with good faith that it attracts evil people who like to practice spells and divination. When you turn a holy work upside down, it yields the most evil. They had quite an armada of my poems to work with since 2007, but I'm slowly recovering every single last one of them.

They conjure up evil and then try to protect themselves from the fallout with more evil. They are determined to avoid repenting at all costs when repenting is the only way out from evil. They have made my life very difficult in the last few years, having me so outnumbered and refusing to leave me in peace. But I will outlast them and survive to produce much, much more poetry. Poetry provides the ultimate vehicle to share my thoughts and feelings.

Do you ever wonder if great works of art and poetry and music win fans in the spirit world? If so, my spirit fans would be greatly offended by the treatment I have been receiving at the hands of these vicious, superstitious industry assholes. Did you ever wonder that a huge conflict may exist between the spirit world and the flesh world over the issue of my copyright ownership? If so, the spirits will ultimately win that battle. And if a noble spirit who has been charged by God to protect the innocent - as I suggest in my poem, the Watchers - ever visited one of these industry assholes, he or she would probably mistake it as a demon, rather than as an avenging angel. This is because such industry assholes lie to themselves so thoroughly that they believe they are innocent.

Well, I'm fully restored to my mission, but I'll leave that last post up to give you some idea of the abysmal depression I may be suffering at the hands of neighborhood necromancers who abuse my work. Don't take the put downs too personally. Maybe one day, we can assemble a crowd that does not celebrate the destruction of an innocent artist by the honoring of his work in the hands of evil frauds.

My ghost friends don't want me to commit suicide. I must have important work to do. All the same, this is a faith based decision.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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