Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Obelisk: Parts I to III

The Obelisk: Parts I to III
My poetry gives me an escape from my waking world - as long as it hasn't been stolen from me and used to add to my grief.

I: The Iconoclasts

To lofty shore the gods were brought
To judge the war the mortals fought
That started with a vulgar slight
Against a due religious rite
A statue had been madly hewn
To pieces small and widely strewn
And that the idol be appeased
A string of amber mines were seized

To cause a statue's face to cave
Was an offence considered grave
One dare not force indignity
Upon a blameless deity
And yet the voice of the maligned
Expected from within their kind
Did not in curses crime condemn
But in a hush eluded them

With Love had War gone straight to bed
They noticed not a thing, they said
No trouble came to Wisdom's thought
And Justice heard no thump nor shot
Talent had produced a show
From Vulcan's steady hammer blow
Among the injured there were none
Throughout the total Pantheon

The tarnished figure would be odd
Or more than likely not a god
To Gaia turned their spanning eye
To catch the liar in the lie
And found a temple plus a trove
That first had served to honour Jove
Devoted to a faith unknown
In he who claimed the mortal throne

A closer look had changed their path
Away from cataclysmic wrath
For making hard to fools exalt
The mighty council found no fault
The wiser choice for favouring
Must be the kingdom neighbouring
Where truth and honour may remain
Beyond the madman's awful reign

Continued probing would reveal
The mishap was a front to steal
A fortune did the ruler owe
To pay his troops to battle go
His thirst for plunder left unchecked
Would leave the temples robbed and wrecked
The tyrant's name, which came of late
Was aptly Moribund the Great

Opposing, on the side of right
The Prefect of the Lands of Light
Considered what would be the cost
Of his top secret message lost
For progress had his people raced
And foes with lesser weapons chased
But unlike hordes they faced before
Their neighbours knew their arts of war

A shadow did the sibyls cast
With casualties that numbered vast
Should now the wrongful war be won
By this most evil Moribund
And so the gods put their resource
To help the prefect stay the course
His nemesis's fearsome rise
Would overrun him otherwise

II: The Lovers

The tyrant had a daughter fair
Inclined to pity and to care
Patrolling through the worst lines drawn
She served the hurt and woebegone
To uniform she paid no heed
But focused on her patient's need
And once Ophelia's top one
Was Mark, the prefect's eldest son

The men around her wouldn't dare
Disturb a single royal hair
She felt her youth reduced to waste
The blossom of her life debased
The fury of her father's law
Obstructed callers she could draw
But in the foreign eye she found
No fear of dark oath firmly bound

Her daddy's loyal concubine
Had thought it fair to reassign
To fierce disputed frontal row
Where one's survival's odds were low
Thus freely did the princess roam
Among the haters of her home
And pine for a romantic spell
With he who had against her fell

When Mark she found severely hit
Ophelia was by him smit
Discovering before the rest
In time to have him rightly dressed
She tore the shirt that wrapped his arm
To make it look as come to harm
The doctor found him fit to save
And two weeks leave to mend he gave

Ophelia's disarming grin
Belied the peril Mark was in
But of his new lot she advised
And of her own she too apprised
By passion they were swept away
Where goddesses held strongest sway
And from their longing to be near
They plotted both to disappear

The times her father came to call
His grunts would echo through the hall
His shadow cast a form profane
With right hand clinging to a cane
Before his glare the righteous froze
A constant threat to spy expose
And soon as Mark was on his feet
He'd make his getaway complete

The morning of the big parade
The nurse with patients visits made
And customary for her rounds
Wheeled wounded soldiers through the grounds
Her favourite she'd had the sense
To park the closest to the fence
And on the cymbal's loudest clash
The two began a wild dash

Though from the law they plainly fled
Of followers they drew ahead
And to the hills were safe to go
As marching caused a traffic slow
Amid thick trees they huddled wet
And waited for the sun to set
Then braved a mountain's rugged trail
Enduring to proclaim their tale

III: The Obelisk

The clung to object Mark mistook
As just a cane was more a hook
A wizard's work, it put command
Completely in its holder's hand
As pieces on a playing board
Would forces move in full accord
From caravan to tallest ship
They'd feel the pressing icy grip

The tidings of the couple's flight
Arrived to Moribund at night
His busy arm began to shake
And all around they felt the quake
In order to avenge the breach
He needed to extend his reach
Out went his armies as a wave
Against the few but fiercely brave

His whole attention he would turn
Against his daughter's bitter spurn
His grenadiers were sent to free
The places she was said to be
But always were the lucky pair
At final moment made aware
And able to adjust their trip
So their pursuer got the slip

His juggernaut carved out a road
As far as it could drag its load
In regions deep and yet to tame
The raiders pushed to triumph claim
While straight behind them sternly stood
To guard the valley of the good
Their master's rod's antagonist
The bold and mystic obelisk

Though near omnipotent in span
The obelisk was made by man
Projected from its metal mast
A potent and decisive blast
Its rotors spun the day and hour
To furnish it with glowing power
A clever and imposing spike
Its sting could any target strike

Ophelia and Mark were sure
To into ambush armies lure
Where lacked the room to turn around
The prefect's troops would foe surround
The father thought it ill advised
To have Mark further jeopardized
But now the smooth and cunning ploy
Would Moribund the Great destroy

Into the ring the wayward crossed
Too far from home and clearly lost
When from behind the challenge roared
And out of hiding free men poured
Descending on the hapless swarm
As though the most ferocious storm
To demonstrate what freedom's worth
And raze the quarry to the earth

The strongest blow that made the day
Originated faraway
By bearings added to the list
Of targets for the obelisk
A gaping crater, singed and stained
Were all that of the bad remained
But soon as try to spy a lark
The ground shook and the sky went dark

(to be continued)
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 30, 2016

The Obelisk: Parts I and II

The Obelisk: Parts I and II
Don't make me recite all this on YouTube with my accent. See how I touch it up as I add to it.

Part I: The Iconoclasts

To lofty shore the gods were brought
To view the war the mortals fought
That started with a vulgar slight
Against a due religious rite
A statue had been madly hewn
To pieces small and widely strewn
And that the idol be appeased
A string of amber mines were seized

To cause a statue's face to cave
Was an offence considered grave
One dare not force indignity
Upon a blameless deity
And yet the voice of the maligned
Expected from within their kind
Did not in curses crime condemn
But in a hush eluded them

With Love had War gone straight to bed
They noticed not a thing, they said
No trouble came to Wisdom's thought
And Justice heard no thump nor shot
Talent had produced a show
From Vulcan's steady hammer blow
Among the injured there were none
Throughout the total Pantheon

The tarnished figure would be odd
Or more than likely not a god
To Earth they cast their ranging eye
To catch the liar in the lie
And found a temple plus a trove
That first had served to honour Jove
Devoted to a faith unknown
In he who claimed the mortal throne

A closer look had changed their path
Away from cataclysmic wrath
For making hard to fools exalt
The mighty council found no fault
The wiser choice for favouring
Must be the kingdom neighbouring
Where truth and honour may remain
Beyond the madman's awful reign

Continued probing would reveal
The mishap was a front to steal
A fortune did the ruler owe
To pay his troops to battle go
His thirst for plunder left unchecked
Would leave the temples robbed and wrecked
The tyrant's name, which came of late
Was aptly Moribund the Great

Opposing, on the side of right
The Prefect of the Lands of Light
Considered what would be the cost
Of his top secret message lost
For progress had his people raced
And foes with lesser weapons chased
But unlike hordes they faced before
Their neighbours knew their arts of war

A shadow did the sibyls cast
With casualties that numbered vast
Should now the wrongful war be won
By this most evil Moribund
And so the gods put their resource
To help the prefect stay the course
His nemesis's fearsome rise
Would overrun him otherwise

Part II: The Lovers

The tyrant had a daughter fair
Inclined to pity and to care
Patrolling through the worst lines drawn
She served the hurt and woebegone
To uniform she paid no heed
But focused on her patient's need
And once Ophelia's top one
Was Mark, the prefect's eldest son

The men around her wouldn't dare
Disturb a single royal hair
She felt her youth reduced to waste
The blossom of her life debased
The fury of her father's law
Obstructed callers she could draw
But in the foreign eye she found
No fear of dark oath firmly bound

Her daddy's loyal concubine
Had thought it fair to reassign
To fierce disputed frontal row
Where one's survival's odds were low
Thus freely did the princess roam
Among the haters of her home
And pine for a romantic spell
With he who had against her fell

When Mark she found severely hit
Ophelia was by him smit
Discovering before the rest
In time to have him rightly dressed
She tore the shirt that wrapped his arm
To make it look as come to harm
The doctor found him fit to save
And two weeks leave to mend he gave

Ophelia's disarming grin
Belied the peril Mark was in
But of his new lot she advised
And of her own she too apprised
By passion they were swept away
Where goddesses held strongest sway
And from their longing to be near
They plotted both to disappear

The times her father came to call
His grunts would echo through the hall
His shadow cast a form profane
With right hand clinging to a cane
Before his glare the righteous froze
A constant threat to spy expose
And soon as Mark was on his feet
He'd make his getaway complete

The morning of the big parade
The nurse with patients visits made
And customary for her rounds
Wheeled wounded soldiers through the grounds
Her favourite she'd had the sense
To park the closest to the fence
And on the cymbal's loudest clash
The two began a wild dash

Though from the law they plainly fled
Of followers they drew ahead
And to the hills were safe to go
As marching caused a traffic slow
Amid thick trees they huddled wet
And waited for the sun to set
Then braved a mountain's rugged trail
Enduring to proclaim their tale

(to be continued)

More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

New Epic Part One: Iconoclasm

New Epic Part One: Iconoclasm
Another epic poem in the works.

1. Iconoclasm

To lofty shore the gods were brought
To view the war the mortals fought
That started with a vulgar slight
Against a due religious rite
A statue had been madly hewn
To pieces small and widely strewn
And that the idol be appeased
A string of amber mines were seized

To cause a statue's face to cave
Was an offence considered grave
One dare not force indignity
Upon a blameless deity
And yet the voice of the maligned
Expected from within their kind
Did not in curses crime condemn
But in a hush eluded them

The last they heard from Love and War
They'd gone to bed at five to four
No trouble came to Wisdom's thought
And Justice heard no thump nor shot
Talent had produced a show
From Vulcan's steady hammer blow
Among the injured there were none
Throughout the total Pantheon

The tarnished figure would be odd
Or more than likely not a god
To Earth they cast their ranging eye
To catch the liar in the lie
And found a temple plus a trove
That first had served to honour Jove
Devoted to a faith unknown
In he who claimed the mortal throne

A closer look had changed their path
Away from cataclysmic wrath
For making hard to fools exalt
The mighty council found no fault
The wiser choice for favouring
Must be the kingdom neighbouring
Where truth and honour may remain
Beyond the madman's awful reign

Continued probing would reveal
The mishap was a front to steal
A fortune did the ruler owe
To pay his troops to battle go
His thirst for plunder left unchecked
Would leave the temples robbed and wrecked
The tyrant's name, which came of late
Was aptly Moribund the Great

Opposing, on the side of right
The Prefect of the Lands of Light
Considered what would be the cost
Of his top secret message lost
For progress had his people raced
And foes with lesser weapons chased
But unlike hordes they faced before
Their neighbours knew their arts of war

A shadow did the sibyls cast
With casualties that numbered vast
Should now the wrongful war be won
By this most evil Moribund
And so the gods put their resource
To help the prefect stay the course
His nemesis's fearsome rise
Would overrun him otherwise

(to be continued)

More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Road to Elysium (Complete)

The Road to Elysium

Part 1: World

A world is not in human hands
But in the grip of greed
Whose champions make cruel demands
Upon the ones in need
Thus honest work is undermined
Turned crooked and uncouth
To capture and in darkness blind
All seekers of the truth

And nowhere is the truth mocked more
Than where the people claim
That truth and justice are their core
And happiness their aim
For bitter knowledge fails to sell
Unless made sweet with lies
And long experience would tell
Of virtue's slow demise

To make the truth, they form a club
Against persistent doubt
Endeavouring to poets snub
And keep the riffraff out
And if the masses wish to back
Another's voice instead
The club falls on him like a pack
And seize his words to shred

In such a world did Raymond write
As but the bravest dared
Directly in the teeth of spite
Unflinchingly, he stared
Producing from his noble views
The nectar of his sight
Determined by the words he used
To put corruption right

Though countless praises for his bids
From sharing had been won
He stood alone within the midst
Of followers not one
The evil club would then descend
Upon his humble home
And scatter wide among its friend
The beauty of his tome

When Raymond saw how were adored
Pretenders in his place
While he stayed callously ignored
His grief he could not face
Depleted of his finest gems
Bereft of slightest hope
As time provided no amends
He gave his neck the rope

Part 2: Netherworld

Manifested Raymond's ghost
Upon a foreign plane
Attended to by gracious host
And wholly free of pain
She told him that her name was Faith
They shimmered in their state
To go the metaphysic length
He'd tensely have to wait

The netherworld appeared surreal
Suspended in her cage
It limited his total field
And froze him in his age
The place was cozy in the stars
But he felt oddly small
And chose the space beyond its bars
To either rise or fall

Once outside, pleased to hover clear
A better view was gained
And downward sagged his jaw in fear
At what the light explained:
Her opulent menagerie
A silken menace spun
Her limbs by four outnumbering
And stinger poised to stun!

Towards the mortal realm he sped
Away from cunning snare
And came out distantly ahead
Of every body there
His eyes could pierce the hardest shell
And see the inner hue
Their destinies he gathered well
From his advantaged view

It was his privilege to save
A good soul from concern
But no direction Raymond gave
From evil's fatal turn
With other ghosts he flew a race
To catch the priceless show
Of panic on the bad soul's face
When it's their time to go

In dungeons by themselves designed
Their shackles starkly drape
And nowhere will the cursed find
A prospect of escape
Against their rise he held up firm
To keep hereafter pure
But great rewards were yet to earn
And his success unsure

Part 3: Ascension

Among the hateful were the worst
Who'd pushed him to his edge
Ravenous of primal thirst
And fraudulent of pledge
A noxious vapor gathered force
Too looming to ignore
As they charted out a course
Incautiously to war

Their victims filled a vast expanse
As from the light they'd thwart
And only he stood half a chance
Of seeing they fell short
To mass consent they held the reins
Their messages deployed
As weapons on the idle brains
Too trusting to avoid

The hero donned an instrument
And thundered out a chord
To stop the signal being sent
From drumming up a horde
Deflecting the invasive ray
To echo sharply down
To catch its senders home at play
And in their malice drown

The storm had Raymond brought to cease
And through the mist there broke
A pleasant sky that offered peace
And signs that hope awoke
A greeting flickered from a spot
That held no star before
And to its bearings, up he shot
To find whom it was for

Drawn to areas unknown
The way ahead grew dim
But good directions would be shown
By he who met with him
A local shepherd, soft of speech
Oblivion steered from
Until they were at last in reach
Of fair Elysium

Having got him through the bind
The stranger would depart
And leave him with his gifted kind
To carry out his art
A favourite among their ring
Would Raymond fast become
The one the shepherd sought to bring
To sweet Elysium
More Songs Scripts Statements
© 2007, 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Road to Elysium: Parts 1 & 2

The Real Me
My story's turning out well. I wonder what I should use for Part 3.

Part 1: World

A world is not in human hands
But in the grip of greed
Whose champions make cruel demands
Upon the ones in need
Thus honest work is undermined
Turned crooked and uncouth
To capture and in darkness blind
All seekers of the truth

And nowhere is the truth mocked more
Than where the people claim
That truth and justice are their core
And happiness their aim
For bitter knowledge fails to sell
Unless made sweet with lies
And long experience would tell
Of virtue's slow demise

To make the truth, they form a club
Against persistent doubt
Endeavouring to poets snub
And keep the riffraff out
And if the masses wish to back
Another's voice instead
The club falls on him like a pack
And seize his words to shred

In such a world did Raymond write
As but the bravest dared
Directly in the teeth of spite
Unflinchingly, he stared
Producing from his noble views
The nectar of his sight
Determined by the words he used
To put corruption right

Though countless praises for his bids
From sharing had been won
He stood alone within the midst
Of followers not one
The evil club would then descend
Upon his humble home
And scatter wide among its friend
The beauty of his tome

When Raymond saw how were adored
Pretenders in his place
While he stayed callously ignored
His grief he could not face
Depleted of his finest gems
Bereft of slightest hope
As time provided no amends
He gave his neck the rope

Part 2: Netherworld

Manifested Raymond's ghost
Upon a foreign plane
Attended to by gracious host
And wholly free of pain
She told him that her name was Faith
They shimmered in their state
To go the metaphysic length
He'd tensely have to wait

The netherworld appeared surreal
Suspended in her cage
It limited his total field
And froze him in his age
The place was cozy in the stars
But feeling oddly small
He chose the space beyond its bars
To either rise or fall

Once outside, pleased to hover clear
A better view was gained
And downward sagged his jaw in fear
At what the light explained:
Her opulent menagerie
A silken menace spun
Her limbs by four outnumbering
And stinger poised to stun!

Towards the mortal realm he sped
Away from cunning snare
And came out distantly ahead
Of every body there
His eyes could pierce the hardest shell
And see the inner hue
Their destinies he gathered well
From his advantaged view

It was his privilege to save
A good soul from concern
But no direction Raymond gave
From evil's fatal turn
With other ghosts he flew a race
To catch the priceless show
Of panic on the bad soul's face
When it's their time to go

In dungeons by themselves designed
Their shackles starkly drape
And nowhere will the cursed find
A prospect of escape
Against their rise he held up firm
To keep hereafter pure
But great rewards were yet to earn
And his success unsure

Part 3: Ascension

(to be continued)
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Real Me

The Real Me
I blogged my blog on YouTube today. It's at this link: Murder by Media. It looks like they have my videos tucked away in some back corner where hardly anyone can reach them. But Justin Beiber didn't have that problem, eh? Did he really author his own hit there? Or did Seal give him one of my songs as I was pushed out of public view to clear the way for his rise to fame? And the depraved Crystalids, who stole over seventy of my songs after I posted them all first, didn't have to be hidden from the public as they conducted their murderous crimes with my work. But it looks like they need to hide real artists like me who have been badly violated by web fraud and image violations. So in this sense, YouTube seems to be on the side of fraud rather than on the side of a fraud victim. A lot of good that will do the world - if that's true. I hope you'll find my new video logs anyway because I want you to see that I am a real person whose real life has been terribly harmed and who sincerely seeks justice.

I'm going to try to write Part 2 of my epic poem today. I've decided not to hang myself to write about 'the netherworld', but just to get shit-faced drunk.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Part 1: A World

Part 1: A World
This poem is only about one third finished, but I wanted to share what I produced yesterday. I need to suffer horrible depression to put me in the frame of mind to produce good poetry. I'm leaving it as a statement until it is completed.

Part 1: A World

A world is not in human hands
But in the grip of greed
Whose champions make cruel demands
Upon the ones in need
Thus honest work is undermined
Turned crooked and uncouth
To capture and in darkness blind
All seekers of the truth

And nowhere is the truth mocked more
Than where the people claim
That truth and justice are their core
And happiness their aim
For bitter knowledge fails to sell
Unless made sweet with lies
And long experience would tell
Of virtue's slow demise

To make the truth, they form a club
Against persistent doubt
Endeavouring to poets snub
And keep the riffraff out
And if the masses wish to back
Another's voice instead
The club falls on him like a pack
And seize his words to shred

In such a world did Raymond write
As but the bravest dared
Directly in the teeth of spite
Unflinchingly, he stared
Producing from his noble views
The nectar of his sight
Determined by the words he used
To put corruption right

Though countless praises for his bids
From sharing had been won
He stood alone within the midst
Of followers not one
The evil club would then descend
Upon his humble home
And scatter wide among its friend
The beauty of his tome

When Raymond saw how were adored
Pretenders in his place
While he stayed callously ignored
His grief he could not face
Depleted of his finest gems
Bereft of slightest hope
As time provided no amends
He gave his neck the rope

Part 2: A Netherworld (to be continued)

Not bad, eh? Same mournful meter as The Mortal Interval (Poems Index). A lot of artists like Raymond conclude that life is not worth living in a world without truth. In spite of my experience, however, I remain optimistic about this world. I know that some powerful people have already been punished on my behalf and this gives me hope about my future. If I were to 'give my neck the rope', it would only to be to draw the real experience to complete this poem, rather than having to rely solely on my imagination. I'd also be interested in meeting many of the great artists and poets who ended their lives in suicide. They tend to be outstanding.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Foolish Mob

The Foolish Mob
Why did the corporate media support so much fraud made out of my honest work? Power is the answer. The media covets the power to decide who you love and who you hate. If an artist comes along and disagrees with them at the same time as he wins over large portions of the population, their power is threatened. They need to destroy this person so that they can feel confident that they hold the power of popularity over talent. The media hates real talent because real talent challenges their power. They don't want people to love talent, they want us to love who they tell us to love, no matter who it is, and to reject everyone else. I would have been a lot more impressed with their 'power' if they didn't need to use so many examples of my talent to support their hate. If you love the media, you hate talent.

Luckily, I don't have a burning need to go on a stage and impress my peers because I've been out of the classroom for long enough to stand on my own two feet in this world. On the other hand, if the gang rape of my songs and blogs had occurred when I was still in my twenties, it might have killed me. Being popular was important to me then. But now I'm old enough to know that being popular is totally worthless and would leave me feeling terribly unfulfilled. Now I consider myself to be primarily an artist. I get a thrill from creating my work and I don't need to go on a stage and show off with it. These uncreative pricks who steal my work need to stand on a stage and pretend they are artists because they are not artists and they will never know how satisfying it is to produce an original work of art. Without my art, they would look as unimpressive as they truly are, getting up in front of group as we have all been made to do before the age of ten and reciting something they read. Big deal. And do we scream as loudly for tribute bands as we do for their mentors? Of course not, as long as the media doesn't lie to us about who wrote the music.

And with that, I'd like to ask you who wrote Size and Canopy and Godspeed and Nothing but Ashes and Fool and Fool's Paradise and Under My Umbrella and Bad News and Beguiled and Fortune and Survival and Chair, to name as few of my 2007 recordings? And in 2011 and 2012 who wrote Linger and Mayhem and Rules and Business (Psych) so that he could have some new songs all to himself? And last year, who wrote Currents and Disenchanted and Epitomes and Denial and Insidious and Redundant? Who did the media tell you wrote these songs? If you know, it's because you trust them with a faith that has so far gouged a twenty year hole in my life that otherwise would have been occupied by my happiest years.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 20, 2016

How Carlin Fans 'Write' Comedy

How Carlin Fans 'Write' Comedy
Here are some excerpts from my statements of the last six months or so. The other day, I heard that someone named Matthew is in prison. Is he one of your friends? Does he scour my statements for little tidbits like the following that he can compile into a fraud stand-up routine with words taken from my most serious posts? That's all George Carlin did.

November 16, 2015: ...Are you Chinese? So am I. I've lived in downtown Vancouver for over twenty years now. Bruce Lee is my idol. He was proud of achieving fame and fortune without compromising his beliefs, or 'being honest'. He disliked being called a star, saying that 'star is an illusion.' I know I'm not getting any younger, but Confucius didn't make it until he was fifty-two. Confucius had a gift for being able to accurately analyze individuals. When he shared his findings with them, it ended up holding back his progress in society. Few argue with his wisdom now. Have I ever told you about my family? I have six brothers and one sister...Well, I better go get some chow...

January 2, 2016: ...entertainment weeklies, you know, those awful things that offer themselves as the quintessential cultural guide in every city across the land. They always try to pass themselves off as anti-establishment when they're built around pages and pages of full page ads. They tell you when its cool to love Vincent Van Gogh and when it's time to reject him in favor of Toulouse-Lautrec. They care about the poor but they're determined to get all the yuppies out visiting smart restaurants ha ha ha ha

January 7, 2016: ...Beware the corporate print media (the Assassinating Press)...

January 29, 2016: ...does an innocent person deserve to suffer so much at the hands of criminals? A scientologist would say yes. They believe we all have it coming because of past offenses in previous lives. Look how Jesus was crucified. They must think he was a real monster.

January 31, 2016: ...Other psychopaths include Ted Bundy and Paul Bernardo. Notice, too, how these men were clean cut and well groomed, just like those evil reporters on TV. You can't judge a book by its cover, as they say.

February 5, 2016: ...This weekend we celebrate the most important holiday of the year: Chinese New Year. That's when my people get together to show Americans who invented fireworks. And we all dress up as zodiac signs and go on parade.

February 14, 2016: ...I've been watching a DVD of a History Channel series about ancient aliens. They said that alien supermen found our women attractive. Let me tell you, their women are attracted to our men, as well: the kind of men who have a good sense of humor and who know how to rock. I think they have extremely good taste.

April 5, 2016: ...Denial of Death. Why didn't they call it that? That's a much better title. Yes, he theorized that death anxiety was the chief driving force behind human aggression and violence. So how many ways are you going to rephrase it in this documentary? This topic is too dry for a documentary, it belongs in a lecture hall. All this film does is take a university lecture and punctuate it with a bunch of random images and pan across cemeteries with sappy music in the background. Well, when I think of Ernest Becker's book, I don't feel like playing If I Were a Carpenter in a graveyard.

Just a few excerpts which did not take long to compile. Once those pricks are finished with them, no one can recall what I was writing about and I am accused of 'hacking' my content because I'm not on the TV making an ass out of myself on a stage with my statements. And the crime does not cease after the first round of offenders have been incarcerated, as was the case in 2013 for offenders of my copyrights. The corporate sponsored crime continues on as corporations use their money bags to mock the good efforts of our most conscientious police and lawyers.

Who wants to contribute to rape relief? Did you need the broadcasting pricks who raped my work and raped my fans to ask for a donation on your behalf? Then they'll take your money and hold it up to the world as evidence of their generosity. Maybe you should wait for their campaign to end before you make your donation.

Are we saved by good deeds? I agree with Martin Luther that we can not be saved by good deeds, only by God's grace. This media campaign for rape relief is strictly to repair their image at the further expense of their victim. It has all the authenticity of a papal indulgence. On the other hand, Saint Paul was a murderer who was touched by God's grace on the road to Damascus and saved. If you have been touched by God's grace, your deeds will manifest God's presence. I see no evidence of God's grace in the actions of anyone who either committed or celebrated the Satanic fraud that has been committed with my online posts over the last seventeen years. The 'heaven' the media prepares for them is made entirely out of nasty lies and will profoundly disappoint them.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

History's Mysteries: Shrouded in Secrecy

History's Mystery's: Shrouded in Secrecy
(333 AD. The emperor Constantine struggles to convert Rome to the new Christian faith.)

Constantine: I understand you have some doubts about the resurrection.

Skeptic: Yes, I need to see more evidence for it.

Constantine: Like what?

Skeptic: Oh, I don't know, maybe a burial shroud displaying the blood marks of a scourged and crucified corpse.

Constantine: Did you get that, scribe?

Scribe: (Writing) Yes, your Holy Majesty.

Skeptic: Glad to see you're taking this all down.

Constantine: Well, I appreciate the feedback.

Skeptic: Do you need it for research?

Constantine: No, for your execution.
More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2016. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Perfect Memory

Perfect Memory
Police and library staff, have you noticed that the Mozilla browser at the public library has been infected with a malware that sends users to w3blog.org? Have you noticed how it disables my JavaScript programs when your users are redirected to an outside home page before they can come back and land on your home page?

Public library users here, I expect my slideshow to work in Internet Explorer but not in Mozilla today. I always have fucking problems when I display my work in a way that proves that I own it. This fucking place is crawling with crime. Three times in less than six months. Justice is a joke if they can't control these criminal assholes while their victim goes online and reports more and more abuse.

My latest poem looks like something I shared before. I think I settled on calling it the Albatross. I like that title too. In this poem, I idealize the story. It is not realistic, but idealized to perfection. Why did I do this? I was trying to write it to please God and God is perfect. The birds have mysteriously stopped hating me. They're even friendly. Come to think of it, they first started attacking me around the time I erased my previous Blogger account. Maybe they wanted me to keep that poem online.

I wonder how long the computers here are going to be contaminated with that virus that cripples its browser functions this time. Anyway, I thought of something funny to share, but I'm in too much of a bad mood to share it right now.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Goony's Gift (The Alabatross)

Goony's Gift
Of splendid gifts to freely share
The animals received a host
From horse's back to bee's sweet ware
And God blessed Goony Bird the most

More finely feathered were his kin
More sonorous his neighbour's call
While his advantage lay within
Upon inspection overall

But disinclined to proud display
He kept his brilliance concealed
At altitudes too faraway
For it to clearly be revealed

Until the day the people came
To overrun his island perch
Putting forest to the flame
Leaving victims in the lurch

The other albatrosses fought
And bombed the great intrusive craft
But no advances could be got
By one small girl thrown off the aft

Beset by worry, Goony dove
To pluck the child free of risk
And dropped her on the nearest cove
Where mother waited with a kiss

The word soon spread of his good deed
Catching men in mid assault
And from desire to conscience heed
Their demolition had to halt

By sundown, peace had come again
Tomorrow's work could soundly start
In veneration sang the wren
For God gave Goony Bird a heart
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© 2007, 2016. Verses by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

A Little Something

It's a Crime to be Poor
I've composed a little something for children young and old, though it may have too many big words for the short ones. Hope you like it. When I am in the worst throes of my depression, I am soothed by offering them my work. I'm feeling better today, having received a reprieve - you can tell I've been rhyming all night - from my financial grief, thanks to my sweet family back home.

I hope people know me well enough now to keep my posts in context with my condition. I did not mean to create the illusion that Vancouver was Hell. I was just in a lot of pain, especially from this latest attack on my work. Weakened from a few days of hunger, I do not cope well with continued abuses of my copyrights from the same offenders. Jesus puts me to shame. I could never last forty days in a desert with no food.

I hope my sister-in-law back home was not too shocked by my posts of late. (Thanks for the help, Lori. Lots of love to the kinfolk.)

I've also restored my Chronoblog navigation program to my Blog Index. It's badly needed, I think, since I have so many blogs. Its active link colors don't flutter offline the way they do here. You may visit it from this link: Visit Chronoblog.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Philosopher King

The Philosopher King
I borrowed another Holocaust documentary from the library last night. Holocaust survivors offer me great inspiration. The film got me thinking about the antisemitic style of hate that has been directed against me when I'm not even Jewish. I needed to analyze myself to help me understand this hate.

While Judaism is actually a religion rather than a race, I possess one very noticeable Jewish characteristic in spite of my Catholic origins and it's not my nose: I love knowledge. In the Old Testament, King Solomon is granted one wish by God. The King wished for wisdom. Who among us Gentiles would choose wisdom above all the riches in the world? I would. Who else? The Jews love knowledge. This is why they were so successful in the professions that made their Gentile neighbors so murderously envious.

In my pursuit of knowledge, I have learned to do things that others can't, such as writing effectively and programming a computer. These abilities did not magically come to me the way they did for Solomon. I had to work for them. I had to be strongly personally motivated to acquire them. I am fascinated by difficult intellectual problems. They do not turn me off as they do most others, but they challenge my intelligence and drive me to expand my knowledge. Along the way, my mind becomes more and more disciplined and the answers to my questions arrive to me by less and less struggle.

People like me are 'sophisticated'. We stand out from the crowd with unique points of view which are solidly backed by logic. As such, we single ourselves out for persecution.

Knowledge was frowned upon by the church for a long time and this anti-intellectualism survived right through to the modern age. My mother discouraged me from reading philosophy as a child, fearing that it contradicted the Bible. My father used to tell me I 'think too much'. They wanted me to get a job and raise a family and toe the line with the prevailing cultural mindset. Of course, I love my parents, which allows me to look upon my unsophisticated critics with some understanding and forgiveness. But can they extend the same consideration to me? With whom can they compare me, in order to help them see me as a human being? I'm afraid I'm a little too unique for such comparisons. Hence, the hate I must combat on an almost daily basis.

I watched another DVD which I was surprised the library even carried. It was an assertion that Hitler escaped to Argentina in 1945. Let me clear this up based on what I have learned from a multitude of other sources. First of all, why didn't he take Josef Goebbels with him? Goebbels' burned corpse was found and identified by the Russians in May 1945. Yes, Stalin said that Hitler got away to keep the Nazi threat alive and justify post war Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe as a buffer against invasion. In the 1960's, the Russians finally came forward with Hitler's jawbone, which perfectly matched his dental records. That was enough to convince me. I can't believe anyone's trying to contradict this now.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 9, 2016

What a Waste

What a Waste
So what am I supposed to do about this situation? What more can I do but what I've already done? I've re-posted almost everything that was stolen from me and it turns out that millions of people out there benefited from my work in one way or another while its theft by irresponsible stars and broadcasters subjected me to the kind of torture I once thought only existed in science fiction shows like Star Trek. I have been crucified over and over and over again for merely showing that I have talent on the internet. And I'm not Jesus. Jesus needed to be crucified. My continuous crucifixion achieves nothing but losses of profits from my work and the destruction of the image of an otherwise promising money maker. Pride appears to be more important to broadcasters than profits. All they had to do was approach me at any point in the last ten years if they wanted my work and I'm sure we could have come to some sort of agreement.

They didn't want to ask me for my work, they wanted to steal it and give it to corrupt stars to use against me. They wanted every decent thing I ever shared turned into a hideous work of fraud to cheat me out of my success and cheat you out of your trust. And I shared a lot of work: thousands and thousands of posts. Fuck, that's a lot of greasy fraud committed with music and art and poetry and comedy. It's enough to make you want to puke. I wonder if my late mother can see the horrors that the music business inflicts on her son every day from her new location. I wonder if God will ever intervene on my behalf to put an end to this shameful crime.

Well, I didn't have all the facts about the Iraq War when I first shared a lot of this work. I suppose I can see the need to remove the brute from power now. I could have been persuaded to change my opinion back in 2007 if the business had done the responsible thing and approached me for permission to use my work. Didn't it make excellent propaganda? My cartoons and my blogs and my songs must have offered great comfort to our armed forces while that war was raging. I don't want any of them to feel guilty about it now. I'm only sorry that I was not able to offer them this support directly instead of having it all stolen from me and delivered to them behind my back.

Comedy is very delicate and I find it very challenging to author a good comedy script. By the way, I think that Bob Hope sucks. I find his jokes insulting to my intelligence. No one seems to work hard enough on their humor anymore. I approach comedy writing much in the same way that I author computer programs. There's far more to it than merely having a funny idea. Inspiration, articulation, and timing are all essential to a good comedy script. I see little or none of these elements in the so called comedy that assaults me from most commercial broadcasts.

You culprits out there know what I mean when I say that I've been subjected to tortures that belong more in science fiction than reality. Because of your abuse of the copyright protection system with my work, I believe that I'm surviving against my protection rather than because of it. I think you took a system that was designed to protect artists and used it to try to murder me. You know what I'm talking about. If I end up on top after all of this, you'll want me to say that I'm glad I was protected, but I often think it would have been more humane to have been converged upon by those production workers in 2011 and beaten to death. Or maybe I should have been blown to pieces by that creep's shotgun in 2011 instead of left alive to suffer the years I have described in detail in this account every day since he pointed his weapon at my window and shouted 'Jreamer'. I was all ready to die. I said the Lord's Prayer and waited for the blast. Did I survive that and every day since just to sit in this library alone and talk about your crime to a bunch of strangers four years later? What a waste of time and talent.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Has Anyone Seen My Bridges?

Has Anyone Seen My Bridges?
I heard a Mick Jagger recording playing out of someone's bicycle mounted radio receiver as I passed by the convenience store yesterday. I wonder if it was meant to demoralize me because Mick Jagger is an extremely wealthy rock star who stole my song in 2007 and left me starving poor to be accused of fraud for rewriting it. And now this guy with his bicycle radio wants him to keep making more money while I stay poor and he wants me to know that the rock radio stations firmly support Jagger's crime with my music.

I don't bother sharing new songs at the rate I could because I have built up too many old songs that made money for frauds who left me in the lurch. Naturally I have become pessimistic about adding new songs to my online account. I can't help coming up with new ideas because I am an artist, but at least I don't have to care if my work is popular anymore. I'm better off when it isn't.

A couple months ago, I heard something about how someone stole all my bridges. A bridge is like a new song that starts up in the middle of an existing song. It takes as much effort to write a bridge for a song as it does to write a new song altogether. So am I putting twice as much effort into my songwriting just so these monsters can butcher my work and call it theirs? You can click through my 2015 recordings in my Chronology of Recordings and find out for yourselves, I guess. (I'll add the other five years of my recordings to this program over the next year.) I don't listen to the radio anymore. It gives me horrible nightmares.

Anyway, if you see my bridges where they don't belong, please inform the police. I've got to get out of the library now. Some patron here is getting on my nerves.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.