Saturday, May 7, 2016

Has Anyone Seen My Bridges?

Has Anyone Seen My Bridges?
I heard a Mick Jagger recording playing out of someone's bicycle mounted radio receiver as I passed by the convenience store yesterday. I wonder if it was meant to demoralize me because Mick Jagger is an extremely wealthy rock star who stole my song in 2007 and left me starving poor to be accused of fraud for rewriting it. And now this guy with his bicycle radio wants him to keep making more money while I stay poor and he wants me to know that the rock radio stations firmly support Jagger's crime with my music.

I don't bother sharing new songs at the rate I could because I have built up too many old songs that made money for frauds who left me in the lurch. Naturally I have become pessimistic about adding new songs to my online account. I can't help coming up with new ideas because I am an artist, but at least I don't have to care if my work is popular anymore. I'm better off when it isn't.

A couple months ago, I heard something about how someone stole all my bridges. A bridge is like a new song that starts up in the middle of an existing song. It takes as much effort to write a bridge for a song as it does to write a new song altogether. So am I putting twice as much effort into my songwriting just so these monsters can butcher my work and call it theirs? You can click through my 2015 recordings in my Chronology of Recordings and find out for yourselves, I guess. (I'll add the other five years of my recordings to this program over the next year.) I don't listen to the radio anymore. It gives me horrible nightmares.

Anyway, if you see my bridges where they don't belong, please inform the police. I've got to get out of the library now. Some patron here is getting on my nerves.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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