Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Philosopher King

The Philosopher King
I borrowed another Holocaust documentary from the library last night. Holocaust survivors offer me great inspiration. The film got me thinking about the antisemitic style of hate that has been directed against me when I'm not even Jewish. I needed to analyze myself to help me understand this hate.

While Judaism is actually a religion rather than a race, I possess one very noticeable Jewish characteristic in spite of my Catholic origins and it's not my nose: I love knowledge. In the Old Testament, King Solomon is granted one wish by God. The King wished for wisdom. Who among us Gentiles would choose wisdom above all the riches in the world? I would. Who else? The Jews love knowledge. This is why they were so successful in the professions that made their Gentile neighbors so murderously envious.

In my pursuit of knowledge, I have learned to do things that others can't, such as writing effectively and programming a computer. These abilities did not magically come to me the way they did for Solomon. I had to work for them. I had to be strongly personally motivated to acquire them. I am fascinated by difficult intellectual problems. They do not turn me off as they do most others, but they challenge my intelligence and drive me to expand my knowledge. Along the way, my mind becomes more and more disciplined and the answers to my questions arrive to me by less and less struggle.

People like me are 'sophisticated'. We stand out from the crowd with unique points of view which are solidly backed by logic. As such, we single ourselves out for persecution.

Knowledge was frowned upon by the church for a long time and this anti-intellectualism survived right through to the modern age. My mother discouraged me from reading philosophy as a child, fearing that it contradicted the Bible. My father used to tell me I 'think too much'. They wanted me to get a job and raise a family and toe the line with the prevailing cultural mindset. Of course, I love my parents, which allows me to look upon my unsophisticated critics with some understanding and forgiveness. But can they extend the same consideration to me? With whom can they compare me, in order to help them see me as a human being? I'm afraid I'm a little too unique for such comparisons. Hence, the hate I must combat on an almost daily basis.

I watched another DVD which I was surprised the library even carried. It was an assertion that Hitler escaped to Argentina in 1945. Let me clear this up based on what I have learned from a multitude of other sources. First of all, why didn't he take Josef Goebbels with him? Goebbels' burned corpse was found and identified by the Russians in May 1945. Yes, Stalin said that Hitler got away to keep the Nazi threat alive and justify post war Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe as a buffer against invasion. In the 1960's, the Russians finally came forward with Hitler's jawbone, which perfectly matched his dental records. That was enough to convince me. I can't believe anyone's trying to contradict this now.
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