Friday, February 12, 2016

The Highest Flattery

The Highest Flattery
I've had to content myself strictly with the listening pleasure offered by my music because the internet and the TV and radio have fixed themselves so firmly between me and my would-be fans. Since this has deprived me of virtually all human contact for years and years, I may forget that I am the subject of attention and make and occasional error in social discourse, which my criminal detractors are then eager to seize upon and hold against me. If that was the case with my statement saying that I wrote the only good songs on the web, let me amend it for you now: I should have written that they thought I wrote the only good songs on the internet because I have been the sole target of their lengthy crimes. As for me, I can't fairly say that I wrote the only good songs on the web because I don't browse enough to discover whatever else might be out there. So that was just a typo. As for my words about Facebook, they were a provoked response to mounting pressure from others around me to start living my life on Facebook. They were said largely from irritation and ought not to be taken as my definitive opinion on the matter.

Now, who said they would have so praised you the other day? Are you blind? These monsters had a chance to praise me in 2007 and all they did was lie and cheat and steal until I couldn't take it anymore and had to evacuate the internet. And did you see how much of my work they stole? Is that the act of someone who would suddenly turn around and praise me? These people wanted me dead so they could make bullshit stars out of my web posts and you think they would have praised me if I didn't complain about it afterwards. That's really ridiculous and I'm glad I don't watch TV anymore if its producing such foolish beliefs. When I heard about Dateline being my 'heroes' in early 2013, I was immediately suspicious and I protested at once, but I bet you thought that they were going to praise me after their network tried to murder me and failed. Whatever praise Dateline had in mind for me in 2013 would have resulted in a quickly terminated career to hide their filthy fraud. And what kind of a deal did you have in mind for me in exchange for their praise? Did you think I should let them have eight years of my web posts? Why don't you throw in my first born child, as well? And let's not forget a monthly pint of my blood to feed their workers. And this would be to see that they praise music that my listeners already liked to start with. Sure, yeah, great deal for everyone.

On another error, let me apologize for writing that the internet was invented in 1976. I confused it with the worldwide web, which was invented in that year. The internet was invented earlier, in 1969.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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