Monday, February 15, 2016

The Worst People in the World

The Worst People in the World
I'm not using the library today, but does anyone who sat near me yesterday recall that noisy man yesterday? Did you hear how he vocalized every silly thought in his head for almost half an hour? That's why I'm not using the library today. They want the library for people like that and I'm tired of complaining about it.

Did you ever see that Keith Olberman segment about the worst person in the world? I used to browse that on YouTube. I liked knowing who all the bad guys were and learning about their crimes, but I think there were some glaring omissions from the list. Given the amount of music fraud and comedy fraud I have exposed in the years since, I think the list should have included all those rotten, corrupt stars. Seal should be number one on the list right now, for instance. Instead, I am forced to listen to one of his -uh- mixes from the 1990's. Oh, did he write that hit? I thought maybe it was by the author of Chopsticks. And those are his own words in the background? What a load of gibberish. The singer in the foreground has a great voice, but I need to listen to more than someone singing, I need to hear a song. So, as bad as Seal might be, aren't his supporters in the corporate media even worse than he is?

If you have a hard time comprehending the scale of the theft of my songs and blogs, which extends to thousands of my web posts, it's because you find it hard to imagine the arrogance of the media figures who hand you their spin every day and call it the news. They think they invent our reality. If a media person like the bigoted David Frum, for instance, who thinks I'm inferior based on my humble origins, sees me doing something extraordinary, he will twist things around however he must to convince the world that I'm insignificant. The important thing for him is to sustain the illusion of his superiority. That goes for the other CBC staff I've already mentioned. As self proclaimed authors of our reality, they used their influence to deprive me of my talent's due recognition, even in the face of posting multiple hit songs in 2007, and to divert all of my glory to their own little privileged gang. Their arrogance was more important to them than my talent and your enlightenment. And they think it's okay to toy with people's hearts by using my most popular music to deceive my music fans into rejecting a favorite author. As long as you rejected me, they felt secure in their power. They used to reassure themselves that you rejected me by bombarding us with fraud made out of my songs and blogs, but now, apparently, they must make do with playing the earlier successes of the ones who ganged up on me to commit the crime. A lot of the stars in my offenders list have been punished and served time and their victim is alone to report it because the arrogant media wants everyone to think it's no big deal to commit eight-year-long crimes with my work.

They are arrogant to the point of criminality and I think that makes the culpable corporate media staff who promoted entertainment fraud as though it were a modern Renaissance and who now stand behind the perpetrators against their victim absolutely the worst people in the world.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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