Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Truth Finders

The Truth Finders
I'm just going to talk to Google tech staff for a second about my page location. I'm guessing that the correct parent for pages in this blog is - if I spelled that right. It's not necessary for me to state the location all the way down to the .html if I'm referring to the parent, right? I hope so. Anyway, it seems to work, though I'm going to confine my anti-frameset code strictly to my experiments blog and my index pages, otherwise it will screw up my Blogger account's own functionality.

I watched that old documentary about how they cracked the German enigma machine code again last night. It's really a great story and should be of interest to anyone involved with computers. In a nutshell it goes like this: The Germans had a machine to produce their code for them in World War 2. The machine made code breaking humanly impossible, so the Poles, led by a brilliant mathematician named Zigalski, invented a machine for his purpose. The machine consisted of a dozen or so rotors and was called the 'bomba'. This machine was handed over to the British and developed by a brilliant mathematician named Alan Turing. Turing's approach to code breaking was to use a machine's superior processing power to search for wrong answers in a lengthy process of elimination within a field of astronomical boundaries. First he added more rotors to the Polish machine with success. But as the Germans made their machine code harder and harder to break, it became necessary to attack the problem with, as was put by this feature's narrator, 'the speed of electrons'. By January 1945, the world's first electronic computer, Colossus, big as a house and only about as smart as a calculator, was born.

So who stole my little slideshow development? Is the person in jail now? I wonder what other little programming tidbits I've shared over the last seventeen years online that criminals like that have been claiming as their work. Do you think they stole it to look smart or just to make me look like a fraud?
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