Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Crime That Rhymed

The Crime That Rhymed
How many poems do you recall seeing broadcast on television before I shared my verses on Blogger? I can think of barely a handful - outside of children's television programs. Doctor Seuss had a couple of good ones that we'd see on an annual basis. And then in 2007, practically overnight, dozens of similarly styled verses appear on numerous shows: Jay Leno's acting out the Trail Blazer; Saturday Night Live are performing a new similarly styled rhyming work every weekend; even the news programs are rhyming their news reports. And didn't anyone but myself find this extremely creepy?

I know that some rotten people want you think I'm cheap with my work. Well, I'm not as generous with it as those broadcasters, since they want to make superstars out of frauds with it - in turn, making me look like a bum. But future generations will surely find me generous if they enjoy reading my work. I have shared an enormous amount of volume, in spite of having to unjustly suffer the horrors of so many violations of my copyright. They won't be affected by whatever stupid spin the media is using to make you reject me at the moment. They'll just be thankful for my output.

On another matter, I'll be a little slow to get these last posts into my index until I finish my project at home. Thank you for your patience.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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