Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Path to Psychosis

The Path to Psychosis
I'm feeling a little less grouchy today because I had a good sleep last night. I sleep well because I have nothing weighing on my conscience.

I might have jumped to some paranoid conclusions yesterday, but that is a normal side effect of being pursued by stalkers for years and years. Whatever happened to that library computer system was no accident. I've had to stand alone against whole gangs of creeps like this for such a long time that it affects my morale. People seem to take their crimes against me lightly, and I just know that the TV is to blame for it.

I've had a great new song in my head for the last couple of weeks. I wonder if it's a hit that could generate millions of dollars. Judging by how the business has treated every other original thought I have shared online in the last sixteen years, if my new idea is a hit, I'd better just keep it to myself. And while I'm doing that, you can read their billboards about how they're so brilliant at making money.

I was thinking of how psychopathic these offenders are, wanting worship for stealing my songs and stories. Why did the corporate media love them so much? Maybe it's because they think that a psychopathic fraud is a good example for young people to follow now. Hell, if you're nice like I was, telling everyone how much you loved the Simpsons and the Stones and Saturday Night Live, you just end up getting trampled by your heroes with your own music and comedy. But they showed by their behavior how they were able to get so far ahead in our world.

The musical monsters that the business wanted you to worship with songs they stole from me bear a close resemblance to certain other mental patients who went straight from the loony bin to cushy jobs as corporate spokespersons. I learned about these guys in a documentary. Corporations actively seek out psychopaths to work as spokespersons because they know that a psychopath will tell people anything. That's the kind of commitment they need from their spokespersons.

Corporations actually are psychopaths. In the documentary the Corporation, corporations prove to match all of the classic characteristics of a psychopath on a standard checklist. Perhaps this may make you chuckle at first glance, but it is a very serious problem.

Other psychopaths include Ted Bundy and Paul Bernardo. Notice, too, how these men were clean cut and well groomed, just like those evil reporters on TV. You can't judge a book by its cover, as they say.

But corporations need stars who will promote their own superficial wisdom: the clothes make the man; it's not what you know but who you know, etc, etc. You can follow this philosophy all the way from their theft of my first hit song to my current withholding of my newest musical creation.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

It's Not Fair

It's Not Fair
Are we all ready for another election? Elections are so fair, like when a block of fundamentalist Christians votes for an extreme right-wing candidate who compensates for his lack of intelligence with wars and fraud.

'It's not fair,' is what the nice clerk here said when I told her what her last customer did to her computers and why. But what did Dateline NBC say? It's not David. Sure, sure.

America always prides itself on fair play. I think our fair play would be a lot fairer if I didn't have to face whole broadcasting corporations by myself in a battle for my own work. I think our fair play would be fairer if people were allowed to pay me for my good work instead of paying frauds for it. And while I'm at it, it sure would be nice to have a lawyer who answered my e-mails. This fairness that everyone is so proud of doesn't exist unless you can endure injustice indefinitely. I feel like I'm under a quarantine, I'm so fucking isolated.

I can see why the business thought I would kill myself to escape the horrors I've been reporting here over the last seven years. My life is so terrible now that I'm not sure I'll survive to 2017. But if I kill myself now, at least I got to make a stand for the truth on the internet. At least my life had a real purpose, which is so much more than I could ever say for the ones who assailed me.

It's not fair when I work so hard to learn my JavaScript in school that some phony-baloney asshole receives all the respect for my findings just because he stole my blogs. It's not fair when millions of dollars are being made from the sales of my hit songs that I don't even get to collect a single cent after eight years. And it's not fair to have any kind of outstanding talent in our society, is it? Oh, I forgot, the TV has to say you're talented first. Well, when they stole everything I ever wrote wasn't that saying I was talented?
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Substance Over Style

Substance Over Style
The JavaScript I used to make hidden links appear on this page was working in the Mozilla browser until recently. Since my code has not changed but its functionality has changed, the change was made outside of my code. It has recreated the technical problems I experienced and reported in early 2015 in my first posts of Evolver. It's functionality seems to be cyclical, perhaps depending on how many months the police can keep online creeps in jail for their continuous crimes.

Maybe these assholes know how to fuck up my JavaScript with their childish copying and pasting of computer programs that are beyond their comprehension, but I do not depend on my web design skills for my success. People don't come to my blog to mouse over my links and see what happens, they come here to read my content and hear my new songs. And they don't need the TV to spruce it all up for them. They have imaginations and are capable of making the most of my content on their own.

So I'm going to go ahead and use my new visibility program for the remainder of my HTML pages, even though my code stopped working in Mozilla. I expect it to start working in Mozilla again, like it mysteriously did halfway through last year, in time for me to have all my pages updated.

Final Technical Note: Okay, my earlier technique of using localized inline JavaScript statements appears to be the only way to code most of these blogs. It doesn't work when the posts are on a scroll. My new program, which works in both cases, will have to be reserved for more demanding environments, I guess.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Too Popular to Be Good

Too Popular to Be Good
It looks like something is interfering with the functionality of my JavaScript on the Mozilla browser, at least on the local versions. Mozilla is the most popular browser here, so it's really a shame. But you can still see my program working on other browsers like Chrome, IE, and Safari.

Web hacks, like the people who keep poisoning the library computers with that malware that pulls away all the VPL website hits and sends them off to Taylor Swift or someone like that, always target the most popular browsers. You can avoid 99 percent of the viruses online if you simply browse through a Mac computer because most hacks target the more popular Windows operating system on PC's.

I recall that 'Mozilla' was the name assigned to Internet Explorer when I had to write page navigation programs that could detect browser types back in 2000. The hacks who want all our library log-in's to end up on an outside web page don't just need us to choose Mozilla for them at the library; they also need us to reject Internet Explorer. That may be why Internet Explorer has been noticeably downgraded at the VPL, in terms of how it renders page content. It appears to be running through a rather primitive system. Is it LINIX instead of UNIX? I'm sure a lot of web users there have been put off by its poor performance, which has only been since Mozilla started sending every VPL log-in to an outside URL.

So the Mozilla browser was targeted for this destructive treatment because of its popularity. The most popular browser gets hacked and turned into support for billboard wonders who need to fall back on text after we reject their big ugly faces - did you notice that? I speak here of the hideous face of corporate tyranny and not in mockery of anyone's particular facial features - as was the favorite practice used by 'stars' against me for so many years. Who had that enormous statue made of his likeness? Wasn't it Nero? Who else had their gigantic portraits hanging everywhere? The image of Stalin springs to mind immediately. Only the 'jumbo-tron' is acceptable to me, as a practical means to help me see better at a stadium event.

Well, it's just a theory I'm sharing here, but I have plenty of personal experience to back up the claim that web popularity invites a lot of destruction. If they're saying something is popular, it's probably the worst thing you can imagine.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Attention Library Computer Users

The Answer Is More Work
I just thought I should check my program on a computer outside the public library. It's still working today, as it was last night. This indicates some sort of compromise in the functionality of the library computer network. I'm sorry for blowing up at Google and YouTube, but I hope they can understand my mounting frustration. I'm not sorry for blowing up at everyone else. They're not offering me any support now after they supported all those horrible frauds with my work.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Answer Is More Work

The Answer Is More Work
I've tried everything I can think of to get my visibility program working in Songs That Don't Rhyme. I'm afraid that whatever code is being used to create that sliding effect on every page drastically reduces my programming options. So you'll just have to click your way through that one. Sorry, but I have a lot of pages to program and I don't want to get bogged down. As for my last post in that blog appearing first with every new page loaded, I think I can work within that condition to make sure that none of my readers get confused about the identity of the lying violators.

[5:43pm:] It looks like I just guessed right about how to code those links into my poetry pages. I had a wild hunch about something that might work and it turned out to be the solution. I'm a very intuitive programmer. Well, any job worth doing is worth doing well. We'll lose the visited color on those pages, but I'll see that everything else functions normally. Geez, just when you're ready to give up, you end up overcoming your problems. What a drag.

[6:15pm] I see that my new JavaScript script works when multiple posts are displayed on one scroll. I used the solution I shared in my Evolver blog. (Can't recall the title of the post.) I guess I got lucky with how I decided to script it. But later I will need to redo all the hundreds of pages I've already just reprogrammed. God, this progress is a pain.

[7:40pm] I'm starting to go cross-eyed from staring into my source code, so I better call it a day. In the end, I'm glad I was able to overcome that HTML problem by using an incremental loop, just as I suggested in my Evolver blog. Nice to know my logic is sound.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Visibly Frustrated

Visibly Frustrated
I've spent half the morning pasting the new code into my poetry blog and I just noticed that the fucking DHTML stopped working. For some reason, its functionality fluctuates from blog to blog, and with all the thousands of my posts that need updating, I must say that this is a most unhappy time in my life.

I'll be removing those italicized comments at the head of my poems, which were only meant to explain my ownership to readers for the first two years that they were informed of the theft of dozens of my poems. And how many years has it been since everyone learned that those TV stars stole thousands of my scripts? Has it just been since 2012? That's only four years. And how many years has everyone known that I had several hit songs stolen by rock stars and pop stars? Just since 2010? That's only six years. I'm sure that by the time I die of old age, they'll all be on my side, if they can tear themselves away from television's newest half assed explanation for such absolutely murderous fraud.

I don't like to soil my poetry with angry words directed against those jerks who ripped me off. They already ruined my beautiful truth enough with their cheesy fucking comedy shows. I hope they all die and go to Hell.

[5:09pm:] How do the pages in my poetry blog present themselves in your computer? Here they open with my last post, the copyright violations notice, and then the selected page slides down over top of it. This particular blog seems incompatible with my visibility program. I also specified orange as my hover color for my copyright violations notice and the page is returning light blue instead. I will be glad when I am out of this blog, whose programming options appear more limited than the other ones.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 25, 2016

My Pleasure

My Pleasure
I've fixed my old posts from the Show Must Continue, whose code was in dire need of editing. When my account switched over to HTML in 2011, it converted all my files from normal text to HTML and made much of my posts illegible from my end. Lucky for me, I understand HTML.

Someone today gave me something to think about regarding my bachelorhood. She said that whatever men do is 'gay' if they do it without women. I'm not sure why she had to share this wisdom so forcefully, though not directly to me.

I offer my work as proof that not having women around can be very appealing to women. Look at how much they loved my music and comedy. They went ahead and gave their hearts to total failures for merely having the appearance of authoring my solitary work. And I like working. I like struggling to achieve good results with my music and writing. And I work best alone.

On the other hand, I wouldn't need another man's music or comedy for my party, the way all those glamorous superstars needed mine. Am I alone with my attitude of work before pleasure? I guess it's because I'm older, so I'm not ruled by my hormones as much. Of course, we can't do anything about animals who steal my intelligent songs and laughs to cheat women out of sex - especially if they want to try to boast about it afterwards.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bad Signals

Bad Signals
Do you see how I could occasionally be overcome by the immorality of this situation as it lingers on? Oh, for instance, who wrote Linger in 2011, everyone? Was there some confusion about who wrote that song? Did the people who tried to steal it think I haven't suffered enough? Are they trying to be like their idols on TV? Hey, big broadcasters, do your followers think it's okay for strangers to commit vicious crimes against me when all I wanted to do was entertain people with my own music and humor? Are you allowed to use your broadcasting influence to provoke crimes against innocent artists on the web?

And who dreamed up all my scripts and cartoons and poems? Sure are a lot of them. Imagine how much money I'd have if I got paid for them instead of broadcasters getting crowds to pay criminals to steal them from me and assassinate my character with them. And there's nothing like having to face a new crowd of misled fans every week because so many stars ripped you off. Is Seal all finished having his hit with the song I wrote when I thought mom was dead? So now I'm supposed to face all his idiot helpers myself, am I? Imagine how far I'd be along if his helpers helped people who write songs instead of people who steal them. How many workers are there like that in the business? I bet they're afraid of how my success would affect their employment.

Got the cartoon finished. I wanted to finish it yesterday, but I was too exhausted after I had to draw up a partial list of Saturday Night Live's known offenses for my Copyright Issues page. I now recall formerly sharing this particular story, but I'm sure I drew less than ten A.P. cartoons. Check old issues of MAD Magazine for them. I think Mike Myers may have found additional territory for Powers in other areas of my old Blogger account.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Deductive Auguring

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Deductive Auguring
I'm sure I drew less than ten of these. Lots of room for new episodes with this character.

More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2016. Words and images by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Saturday Night Live's Weak Joke

Saturday Night Live's Weak Joke
Is Saturday Night Live still on TV after they stole so many hundreds of my posts? Have you seen my latest update of my Copyright Issues page? Should I alone be hurt by their dismissal of their criminal guilt? Why did they need to steal everything I wrote? Isn't that because I write popular work? So they stole my work because many of you liked it. And now they want you to think that you only liked my work because they stole it for you. What a criminal attitude to foster in the minds of innocent TV viewers. Go ahead and watch a boring show that steals whole seasons of its content from the internet and leaves its victim to starve afterwards while its stars stay on TV and show off their success! Great entertainment! However, I refuse to believe that any human being who liked my songs and my humor would want me to continue suffering at the hands of dirty frauds.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 22, 2016

How's This for Attention?

How's This for Attention?
Why would you go to the library? Would you go there to party and socialize with your friends? I've had to spend many hours in the library this past week, but I think I'm going to have to switch to a more private computer. I'm one of those weirdos who expects to be able to concentrate in a place that is designed for research and study. I can't concentrate when there's a group of people talking and laughing out loud every ten seconds, as was the case earlier today. Nor can I concentrate when two people sit next to me and spend an hour discussing their strategies to steer traffic towards their web pages, as was the case last night. Nor can I work when a gravelly voiced derelict wants to vocalize every banality in his empty head, as was the case the day before. There always seems to be someone at that library branch who wants to get my attention. Do you go the library to get attention? Anyway, I have a lot of work to do and I need a reasonably quiet environment to get it done. Too bad I can't find it in that library branch, but I did manage to post this in a much quieter branch - adjoined to a secondary school.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you know why George Carlin and Bill Maher stole so many statements like this from me? Because they agree with every word of my arguments and they had less respect for the people I criticize than I do. And they probably think even less of gullible viewers who swallow poisonous fraud as though it were their last meal. Don't fall for the cute and lovable act onstage. These 'stars' are heartless pricks who needed to make the whole world pay for their lack of talent.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Hooray for Broadcasting

Hooray for Broadcasting
Seems to be something interfering with Google loading on one of the browsers here. I'll have to use the other browser, whose format defaults pose some minor irritation as I update my code. There's always something interfering with me, isn't there? And there's nothing interfering with the crime of fraud - as long as it targets my honest work. Hooray for capitalism! I'm a poor businessman because I think crime is immoral, right? You better interfere with me on the internet then. And don't let anyone think they agree with me - no matter how many times I make them laugh or regale them with a new hit song. Hooray for broadcasting!

[7:14pm:] I've calmed down a bit now. I can't help but get furious when I start noticing interference. I've been spending the last six years documenting years of harm that has come to me as result of strangers meddling in my life. Seems to be all they let me do, sit here, year after year, and report endless criminal violations of my image and my work. No wonder they need to pretend I don't exist after they used their influence to make my life unlivable among crowds of TV viewers and radio listeners and newspaper and magazine readers.

More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sketchy Future

Sketchy Future
I'm well on the way to getting all my posts organized into a nice tight file structure. I'm almost halfway through my 2014 posts already. Shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to make it all the way back to my 2010 posts.

I'm still producing Austin Powers I.M.M. cartoons, hoping to overtake my previously shared cartoons like I did with my previously shared songs. All I need to do is keep drawing.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Load of Trouble

Load of Trouble
I hope we can decrease the loading time of my music videos in my blog posts. It takes too long for my music videos to appear with my lyrics on a HTML page. These videos are very light in terms of file size, often consisting of only one picture, and I am mystified as to why such a slim file would take forever to load on a text based web page. If my music fans have to wait that long to see my simple videos appear on a web page, I bet a lot of them give up waiting and just turn on the TV to watch Nickleback rip off one of my new songs with some extravagant new rock video. That's faster than waiting for my videos to load onto my lyrics pages - at least from the Vancouver Public Library's central branch computers, which usually outperform the other public computers.

Who cares if music fraud's illegal, right? We need to make sure that a whole pile of people have good paying, cushy jobs for which they lack both the necessary character and ability.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Working Theory

Working Theory
I have hours of work to do today. I must paste in my new navigation onto every page in my account. If I spend all my time copying and pasting over the next month or two, I should be able to get it finished. I recall now how the HTML side of my work got the best of me in 2007. I had just finished pasting over every page to add a new cartoon link and then I realized I would have to do it all again for the copyright issues link. The very thought of it wore me to exhaustion.

Authoring content and marking it up in HTML is work. It's work because it is tiring and offers little or no stimulation while you are doing it. But without this kind of work, no one would be able to go on a stage and celebrate music or comedy. I do not consider the celebration of my work to be work. The crooked stars who ripped it off do. Their idea of work was to sit on their asses and read my blogs every day.

The reason I went from posting scripts to posting poems in 2007 was to try to produce work that did not lend itself so readily to commercial usage on the TV. I was wrong. The bad stars stole my poems, turned them into comedy skits, and were thanked for it. I thought that they would be averse to performing work that lampooned them. I was wrong. By stealing such work, they created a compelling illusion of innocence and appeared to all but myself as self criticizing sweethearts. I turned to cartoon drawing as a way of filling in my missing script imagery so that my posts would need no further development. That was when TV stars like Ellen turned themselves into cartoon characters so they could keep sitting on their asses and reading my blogs every day instead of doing their own work.

Anyway, I have a pile of my own work to do - again - and this time I'm going to finish the job before it finishes me.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Freedom of Depression

Freedom of Depression
It has taken me a long time to learn how to absorb insults passed down to me from bad stars on TV. Since my anger does not deter them, I rely on more fair treatment from their viewers. I think the criminal culprits are expecting too much by trying to make the world reject me in favor of their industry supported fraud. Do they plea their case on behalf of freedom of expression? What about my freedom of expression? What happened to that?

What happened to my freedom of expression about business people? Don't I have a right to express my views without them being turned into stand-up routines and sold to audiences as comedy behind my back? I did not share my valid views based on my real experiences for a laugh. See how the TV tramples all over our freedom of expression when we express something with which they disagree?

But if they disagree with it, why broadcast it? To trick you into thinking they're on your side. They have no sense of our position and are therefore incapable of expressing it convincingly on their own. Oh, Jay Leno lampooned Rupert Murdoch with my words, did he? What a rebel! Sure, you can trust him. And Amy Pohler mocks network executives with my words, right? Oh, I guess you can trust her and you can trust NBC. And see how George Carlin bashed businessmen with my words? You can trust him. You can trust HBO. They're the only ones with the courage to stand up and share the truth - with my words.

Winning the public trust is of paramount concern to stars and broadcasters. This may explain their ruthlessness in grabbing so many of my popular posts and using them for lies. It is generally agreed in every nation of the world that electronic broadcasting is a mind control tool of governing power. Most of us are predisposed to criticize broadcast content along these lines and to reject it when it steers us towards self betrayal. That's why they needed to put so many of my words on the TV as their property: they are words belonging to the very same author who warned you of its treachery. They knew you always trusted me more than you trust them. By stealing my words, they stole the public trust that was attached to them.

And now they apparently want us all to stay loyal to stars who deceived us and made fools out of us. They think they can force feed their criminal prejudice directly to their badly betrayed viewers to discourage any future success on my part that would highlight their hideous evil for all time. I expect that most people are too reasonable to fall for this ugly ploy, at least as long as it no longer consists of deeply compelling words stolen from my vast blogs.

There's a corporate slogan on one of the bus stop billboards on Pender Street. You can't miss it. It says: We're in the business of music for business. Why does the music business need to embark on a public relations campaign? And is this their position? Do they think it is fair to sacrifice music for business? Well, with that attitude, I guess the best music you'll ever hear from them will be whatever they can steal off the web from devoted artists like myself. I make a distinction between music and fraud. They probably don't think about it that long. Oh, and you know what the bus stops in Germany said all through the 1930's? The Jews are our misfortune. I wonder what horrible, bloody cost will be imposed for corporate abuses of advertising in the twenty-first century.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Work Before Pleasure

Work Before Pleasure
I have my new copyright section started but it will take me a while to put everything onto it. I would have posted something humorous today, but I'm up to my neck in HTML to organize all of this information. Other than that, my life isn't too bad. Once I get this account nailed down, I'll feel more secure about socializing. I don't mind staying on my own until then.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Primary Color Considerations

Primary Color Considerations
Because of the brown background in my Leftovers blog, I'm using a different color for the links, as well as a modified color scheme, excluding green. I've also settled on light blue as my hover color for my songs and poems. I'll paste these changes in over the next few months.   
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Said Giveaway

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/Said Giveaway
I'm sure I'm just about done rewriting these older works.

More Scripts Statements Songs
© 2007, 2016. Words and images by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

To Be Like Seal and Steal

To Be Like Seal and Steal
I realized last night that I left Seal's violations out of my 150 Songs list because I already mentioned them in Leftovers. Still, those music violations just don't look complete without his crimes in there. I'll have to insert them somehow. I've just recently rediscovered them.

See how those two songs follow each other in alphabetical order? I had them presented like that for various reasons in 2007. Looks like Seal reached in with both flipper fins and grabbed two songs. Or maybe I just shared them in close succession.

I'm sorry I can't give more priority to my music right now. First I want to catch up with my cartoons and maybe push them into new ground. If those comedians hadn't turned my life upside down by stealing everything I shared, I'd be free to work on other things.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Drawn Out Struggle

All Grown Out
Just a few final adjustments to my navigation system. Those HTML tables get tricky once you start inserting one into another one. But I think I've produced a program that covers all user possibilities in the event of mousing over my links. It really disciplines your mind when you have to solve such problems.

I've started drawing another Austin Powers cartoon. I'm giving him a girlfriend. I'm generous to my cartoon characters. Besides, it will give me the opportunity to draw a face. I better get busy on that now. I can do this file structure stuff later.

I've moved my copyright information from my profile to its own special page, where I will expand on it however I need to. It looks too aggressive to have on every page, especially for a victim. Anyway, I should be the main figure of my profile.
More Statements Scripts Songs
© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.