Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Fraudcasters Reject God

Fraudcasters Reject God
Firstly, I have had to make a small correction on my poem, Most People. 'I am like most people, wanting my pay...' is how that line should read. Stupid typo has probably been confusing my readers for two years now.

A lot of good, decent people depend on their TV's and radios to get through the day. Naturally, they expect their TV to be as honest as they are. Broadcasters appeal to us with content that appears to support the moral values of ordinary workers, often even invoking the name of God to secure our trust. They think that all they have to do is say 'God bless America' to have God on their side, supporting their capitalist aims. I think it is spiritually dangerous to fall for this scam.

We don't prove our faith in God by what we say in front of TV cameras. Just the opposite is true: we prove our faith in God by fearing God in the absence of any human authority to moderate our behavior. The broadcasters had a chance to demonstrate their faith in God back in 2007, shortly after I erased my accounts from the internet. If they believed in God, they would have feared God too much to grab all those thousands of works of my heart and use them for fraud. They don't fear God because they don't believe in God.

I won't criticize them for merely rejecting God because I did the same thing at the end of 2007, after an extremely trying year. I learned that it is possible to reject God and to still live a moral life through mathematical philosophies such as Aristotle's system of ethics. I don't care if people are religious, as long as they are trying to be good. An atheist might even deserve a pat on the back for overcoming the temptation to sin in the self imposed absence of an all seeing, divine authority - if that were his intention. On the other hand, rejecting God often leads to the trap of believing that it is safe to sin. The nauseating fraud committed by broadcasters and their stars for so many years with so much of my work shows how dismissive they are of any possible corrective punishments from above.

This crime really started to get underway during the presidency of George W. Bush, who presented himself as a born again Christian. I'm quite sure he supported the massive fraud committed with my work. So did Dick Cheney, the forty-sixth vice president of the U.S. Yeah, and what number was Nixon again? The forty-second? The long list of public figures who engaged in this crime shows their contempt for God's power, which they likely see as diminishing their own. The truth is that each one of these offenders thinks that he or she is God. Each one thinks that he or she should be allowed to stay 'on top' using any means necessary. This attitude makes them extremely unfit to be hailed as the authors of my works, which celebrate truth in all its most humbling aspects.

And the crowd fell for this. Most tragic to me is how women fell for it. Did Jon Stewart get snuggled for my Rules of Snuggling blog? Did Seal get snuggled for my Bad News? And now that these creepy stars have deprived me of my fan's love for works like this, I must carry on without my mother's love. I think love is more valuable than money, but broadcasters hold the opposite view and had no trouble selling my love to their crowd for big bucks.

So another election year in the U.S. Who's running this year? Are they going to end their speeches with the words God bless America?
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