Saturday, January 2, 2016



© 2016. David Skerkowski. All Rights Reserved.
Hey, do you people recall the last time I had to post a drawing like this to show how the Vancouver Sun supports publications that steal my cartoons? It was back in 2007. Who has that drawing now? How have they been using it since that dirty network drove me from the web with their backstabbing lies?

That's right, MAD Magazine stole my cartoons in 2007. Did Mike Myers tell them it was okay? Did they think it was justified since my lettering in my Malcolm the Milk cartoons vaguely resembles the letters of MAD Magazine? Well, at least I spell my own original title with it, unlike when they rip off my lettering.

I can still hear that criminal NBC host crying this is why he isn't making it as she illegally broadcast violations of my image to millions of viewers, trying to pin it all on the brainless workers. One of those violations was so severe that it broke my poor mother's heart and she started crying. That's why I would not have agreed to appear on Dateline and they had to assassinate me behind my back with their evil show.

So let me explain again why I'm not making it: because of industry support for nasty fraud made out of my songs, scripts, poems, statements and cartoons. As long as they have you thinking MAD Magazine is a good choice for children, for instance, as was apparently indicated by the Vancouver Sun's front page photo last week, you will reject me in favor of MAD Magazine.

You can see repeated examples of industry support for stars or organizations that I have exposed as frauds throughout this account in the last couple of years: CBC tried put Taylor Swift back onstage to July 2013, People Magazine put Saturday Night Live on their cover as I was rewriting the scripts they stole from me, CBS broadcast a Madonna concert after I told the world I heard she'd been incarcerated, AC/DC was invited to play a show here after they tried to steal one of my songs in 2007, Bill Maher was invited to perform at the Q.E. Theatre after I complained about his connection to George Carlin's plagiarism and fraud with my erased statements. These incidents are too numerous to summarize in one paragraph. And now we have this front page photo in the Vancouver Sun to help MAD Magazine look innocent after I inadvertently reconstructed cartoons that it stole from me. Yes, this is why I'm not making it.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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