Sunday, January 3, 2016

True Strength

True Strength
The fine rewards liars consumed with zeal Were fashioned to pay for truth's cruel ordeal...

From my poem, Most People.

As I sketch the tiny figures into the frames of my latest cartoon, I realize that I am reconstructing yet another past work. On the bright side, however, I have some ideas for the next two or three Austin Powers cartoons that feel entirely new. I'm sure that with a little effort, I can bury whatever Mike Myers did with his loot from my old Blogger account.

The police didn't come and arrest me. I didn't think they would. I've been innocent through this entire ordeal while dozens of stars and media figures were dragged off to cells and punished. Seems like there is some confusion out there about this fact. Gee, I wonder why.

Last week, I heard that I was 'raved' again and I'm not sure what it means. I think it's a reference to a dance party featuring my music. I don't object to this, since I put my music on the web to be enjoyed. I can see why people might be eager to celebrate my work: they suffer from sensory deprivation at the hands of boring pop stars. I wish I could join them, but my hands are full at the moment.

I was thinking about Orwell today and of how he stuck his neck out to criticize smart restaurants, drawing from his humble work experience as a dishwasher in Paris. Orwell had a friend who worked in publishing or his strong opinions probably would have kept him poor. It takes courage to share your heart because the world punishes you for it. I've been sharing my open heart online since 1999 and look what they did to me. Look what they did to my songs. Look what they did to my mom. And who were the cool rebels who soaked up all the praise for my courage? Oh, Nickelback, yeah: 'you won't make it in the U.S. with that attitude...' How brave! And Jay Leno. Sure, you have to be anti-establishment if you want a job hosting a talk show for corporations and their uptight sponsors. Consult the growing list of offenders in my profile to find the rest of the gang. Bunch of creepy cowards. If they had real courage, they'd stand up and admit their faults. And if they were as responsible as they think they are, which they seem think comes from merely engaging in basic human reproduction, they wouldn't have wanted their stardom handed to them like a bottle to a baby.

[12:52pm:] I've joined the new cartoon index into my navigation system but I don't have time to have it appear as a drop-down option on every page. Maybe I'll just do that in my big indexes - later. Back to my drawing now. Have a good one.
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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