Saturday, January 30, 2016

It's Not Fair

It's Not Fair
Are we all ready for another election? Elections are so fair, like when a block of fundamentalist Christians votes for an extreme right-wing candidate who compensates for his lack of intelligence with wars and fraud.

'It's not fair,' is what the nice clerk here said when I told her what her last customer did to her computers and why. But what did Dateline NBC say? It's not David. Sure, sure.

America always prides itself on fair play. I think our fair play would be a lot fairer if I didn't have to face whole broadcasting corporations by myself in a battle for my own work. I think our fair play would be fairer if people were allowed to pay me for my good work instead of paying frauds for it. And while I'm at it, it sure would be nice to have a lawyer who answered my e-mails. This fairness that everyone is so proud of doesn't exist unless you can endure injustice indefinitely. I feel like I'm under a quarantine, I'm so fucking isolated.

I can see why the business thought I would kill myself to escape the horrors I've been reporting here over the last seven years. My life is so terrible now that I'm not sure I'll survive to 2017. But if I kill myself now, at least I got to make a stand for the truth on the internet. At least my life had a real purpose, which is so much more than I could ever say for the ones who assailed me.

It's not fair when I work so hard to learn my JavaScript in school that some phony-baloney asshole receives all the respect for my findings just because he stole my blogs. It's not fair when millions of dollars are being made from the sales of my hit songs that I don't even get to collect a single cent after eight years. And it's not fair to have any kind of outstanding talent in our society, is it? Oh, I forgot, the TV has to say you're talented first. Well, when they stole everything I ever wrote wasn't that saying I was talented?
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© 2016. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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